


The Difference Between Buddhism & Christianity ( I , II)
基督教與佛教的不同(上、下)  美國哈佛大學講經 1989.10.28

Amusing Story with Himalayas Friend <English+Spanish>
聖山軼事  哥斯大黎加共修 1991.05.31

The Disaster Begins from the Mouth
禍從口出  福爾摩沙屏東三地門共修 1992.12.26

Surrendering to God's Will Is Freedom
自由就是順服在上帝的意志裡  新加坡講經 1993.03.09

What Makes a Country Great
強國之道  新加坡講經 1993.03.8

Convince People by Magic Power Is to Interfere Nature
使用神通吸引人違反自然法律  加拿大蒙特婁大學講經 1993.04.17

Let God Serve Through Us
讓上帝藉由我們服務世人 瑞士日內瓦聯合國講經 1993.04.20


(In English) <英文版>

The Supreme Method to Liberation
Group Meditation in Melbourne Australia -Mar.13,1993

The Best Way to Treat Other People
Group Meditation in Brisbane Australia -Mar.19,1993

The Complete Selfless Devotion
Group Meditation in Brisbane Australia -Mar.22,1993

The Highest Order of Friendship
Group Meditation in Brisbane Australia -Mar.23,1993

Be Practical and Spiritual
Lecture in Honolulu Hawaii USA - Mar. 27, 1993

Enlightenment Is the Key Answer to Everything
Lecture in Denver Univ. Colorado USA - Apr. 10, 1993

Enlightenment Is the Tool for Everything
Lecture at George Town Univ. Washington D.C USA - Apr. 14, 1993

(In German) <德文版>

Retrieve the Language of God
Lecture in the Kongrebhaus Vienna, Austria - Apr. 27, 1993
Interview in Munich, Germany and Vienna, Austria - Apr. 27,30, 1993

The True Meaning of Initiation
Lecture in Holiday Inn, Munich, Germany -May 1,1993

(In French) <法文版>

Rediscover Truth, Virtue and Beauty
Lecture at the Mutuality Palace Paris, France  Apr. 24, 1993

(English & French) <英法版>

Perceive the Truth by inner Wisdom
Lecture at Geneva University Geneva, Switzerland - Apr. 21, 1993

Sincerity is Essential for Meeting God I﹞﹝II
Group Meditation in Paris, France - Apr. 25, 1993

Reconnect with the Almighty Power to Become Whole
Lecture in Brussels, Belgium - Apr. 29, 1993




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