by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Pingtung, Formosa April 11, 1989 (Originally in Chinese)
people have great faith in me. They adore me. In their hearts, they
understand my teachings; they know and believe what I am talking about.
They think it is good enough to take my photo home and worship it, or
take three of my books home and read through them in two nights. Then
they become very arrogant and regard themselves as my disciples. Can
it be that simple? When people ask them to receive initiation, they
say, "What for? I am more sincere than you are! I have greater faith
in Master than you do!" They think that it is enough.
is not the same. They are like children who have never been married.
They know the theories but have no real experience. Even young adults,
who know more than children, do not understand what marriage is about,
its joys and difficulties, since they are still single.
we read in the scriptures about how the disciples of Shakyamuni Buddha
and Jesus Christ beheld the light; heard music; saw the Buddha or God;
and experienced the Third Heaven, the Fourth Dhyana Heaven, and many
other extraordinary heavens. We have heard about the Eighth-grade Bodhisattvas,
the Arhats, or Srota-apannas, but we have no idea what a Srota-apanna
is or how a person changes after he attains the Srota-apanna level or
Arhatship. What does he achieve within? How does he think and what does
he see? Does he possess powers or wisdom that are different than ours,
which is why he is venerated as an Arhat?
in this world, there are two persons who look alike, but one has learned
science and the other has learned carpentry. Of course, they are different.
The carpenter knows that a doctor has a very good profession, and is
highly intelligent and capable of saving people, etc. But he doesn't
know how to perform a doctor's job. He doesn't know how the doctor has
changed internally, how he saves people, how he diagnoses his patients
just by looking at them, or how he knows that a patient is seriously
ill just by feeling his pulse. The carpenter cannot do that. Otherwise,
why do we call the doctor by this title? He has mastered skills and
accumulated knowledge that are entirely different than that of the carpenter.
We cannot say cutting down a tree is the same as performing abdominal
surgery just because they are both done with sharp-edged tools. They
are not the same! One involves a tree and the other involves a human.
Trees are not complicated, but there are many organs inside a human
body that need careful handling. A surgical operation is not just a
simple cut made with a knife!
many people can read, recite, and explain the scriptures. They can tell
when the scriptures were written, by whom they were written, and the
meanings therein. However, they do not genuinely understand because
they have not had the divine experience. They have not had the experience
of being an Arhat, an Eighth-grade Bodhisattva, a Tenth-grade Bodhisattva,
a Buddha, or even the most elementary Srota-apanna, Sravaka, or Pratyeka
Buddha. That is why we have to practice the Quan Yin Method. Otherwise,
why should we bother to pursue spiritual practice?
are delighted to hear that everyone has the Buddha Nature. They think
that that is enough. It is not! We do not know what the Buddha Nature
is. We have to practice the Quan Yin Method in order to realize the
Buddha Nature and Arhatship; to know how we feel, what authority or
powers we will gain, or to what extent we can save people, when we have
attained the level of an Eighth-grade Bodhisattva. The same goes for
a doctor. The more he learns, the more capable he is of saving people;
and the more he practices, the more experience he gains. Some doctors
don't even need to feel your pulse; they can tell your illness just
by looking at you.
Masters Help Us Deal with the Karmic Net
is the same in spiritual practice. Many spiritual practitioners don't
need to check our destiny in order to save us. We don't need to show
them our ancestral history, tell them what we have practiced before,
or recount the good or bad deeds we have committed. We don't have to
say a word and they will know everything simply by giving us a glance.
They will know everything about us, right from the time we first descended
to this Earth, all our actions in our previous lives, and whether we
have been beasts, kings, humans, officials, men, or women. Only then
can they handle that intricate karmic net for us. People who can tell
fortunes are quite good already, but they can only tell us events that
occurred in the last few hundred years, or at the most, the past few
thousand years. That is nothing; they simply cannot read the karma that
has accumulated in all our previous lifetimes.
the time of initiation, I advise you that we should refrain from using
magical powers because they are too insignificant and limited. People
who can read previous existences can at the most trace the karma that
people have collected in the past few hundred or thousand years. They
cannot see right back to the primordial times when an atom was transformed
into a sentient being, and how he or she went through many lifetimes
of reincarnation for billions of years. Only a Buddha or an Enlightened
Master can read such personal records. Only such a Master has the authority.
[Applause] Karmic records are stored in certain exclusive places that
are out of bounds to the ordinary human being, the average fortune-teller,
and people with the ability to read previous existences. These people
don't have the identity card! Entry is permitted only to superior Enlightened
Masters, who are related to these places. Fortune-tellers cannot tell
what is in these records. Even if they know, they cannot do anything
with it.
example, some fortune-tellers may be able to help us change our present
karma a little bit. They may tell us, "Oh! Mrs. Wang, you are being
overshadowed by the negative energy! There is something wrong with the
geomancy in your house. Quickly move your house around and everything
will be fine! You should also spend some money on making offerings so
as to earn blessed rewards or benefits for the future." That can be
done sometimes, because that person can read the karma we have incurred
in our last life, which is making us suffer in a dark corner now. He
can see it; and he can help us untie the karmic knot left over from
a previous life. However, sometimes our karma might have been created
very long ago, several thousand years ago, and the karmic fruit has
not yet matured. Then even if the fortune-tellers are aware of it, there
is nothing they can do to save us from undesirable karmic retribution.
They can do nothing.
Enlightened Masters can enter these places where the complete records
are neatly maintained. It is Their work to completely erase age-old
karma. Otherwise, it will be futile for us to pursue spiritual practice
to attain liberation. It will take billions of eons to erase all the
karma! Even then, it will not be completely erased. Why? Because each
time we come back, we will create new karma and be bound once again.
Before we have completely cleansed the karma we have collected, we will
have taken on more new dirt. No fortune-teller or person with supernatural
powers or the ability to read previous existences can enter these places
because he does not have the power. He cannot do anything to help his
clients take care of their age-old karma.
Enlightened Masters are omnipotent, They can cleanse all the karma of
our previous lives in an instant. Their power is incredible! If we do
not have a chance to meet these Masters, however many blessed rewards
we earn, they will not be enough because our karma is too heavy and
our bad retributions too numerous! No matter how diligently we worship
the Buddha, it will never be enough. We can study all the scriptures
but still be unable to open up our wisdom, because we are engulfed by
the dark clouds of karmic hindrances from our previous lives. We can
read the scriptures over and over again, but still be like the blind!
Though they are very clear, we cannot understand their meaning because
we are blinded by garbage and karma.
The Difference between the Initiated
and the Non-initiated
people think that it is good enough to just believe in the Master, but
it is not! You must be willing to let me cleanse you. I cannot do it
if you are unwilling, because it is your home. If you are determined
to cling to your own garbage tightly, no one can take it from you. It
is useful to some extent for people when they have faith in me, read
my books, or worship my photos. It cleanses them on the outside, but
not on the inside. Those who are initiated let me cleanse them inside
out, whereas the non-initiated person who has faith and reads books
is cleansed only on the outside. We alone cannot handle the karma that
we have accumulated over many lifetimes. There is too much garbage and
it has not been removed for a very long time.
after life, we have gathered too much undesirable dirt. It takes a more
experienced person who knows how to handle garbage, to enter our house
and scrape away the dirt completely. Some houses are so old that it
is necessary to redo the ceiling, repaint the walls, and remove the
carpets for cleaning. Every corner has to be cleaned, new flooring installed,
and the walls repainted before the house becomes habitable. Similarly,
our house within, this mind of ours, is full of dirt as well. The flooring
is already kaput. Our moral concepts and noble ideals have given way
to decadence, leaving behind only secular concepts and habitual greed,
anger, and infatuation. We cannot fix it all single-handedly. For initiated
people, the Master will go inside and cleanse it thoroughly.
people have the wrong notion that it is enough to take my photo home
and worship it. Their habit of worship is deep-rooted. They worship
the earth deities and even the tree gods. When they hear about my powers,
they take my photo home and worship it too. That is useful, but only
on the outside. I have made a very clear analogy just now. Therefore,
if we truly desire liberation from birth and death, and truly want to
remove our filthy spots, there is only one way, that is, receive initiation.
So, please do not be misled in this regard. I find that there are many
people with misconceptions about this. It is very unfortunate, not because
they do not have faith in me, but because they misunderstand.
I am especially emphasizing this point today for your clarification.
[Applause] I am not trying to force or coax you into receiving initiation.
I only want those of you who have been misled to understand clearly
the significant difference between getting initiation and not getting
those people who do not have strong faith in me after receiving initiation
are better than those who do believe in me but are not initiated. It
is like loving a person very much without getting married. What's the
use? This is different than not loving a person as much but living with
him or her every day, experiencing marriage, and enjoying the world
together. There is a big difference! Isn't that true? If you love a
woman, would you prefer to love her outside her door every day, or would
you rather marry her? (Marry her!) Yes! So don't tell me that it is
good enough just to love the woman, that you love her more than her
fiance does. What use is it to love her so much if you are far apart?
If you really want her, then marry her. To be liberated from birth and
death, to receive genuine help from the Master, and derive the greatest
benefits and blessing power there is, you should receive initiation!