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Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai during a Celestial Jewelry Presentation Conference
Geneva, Switzerland May 3, 1999 (Originally in English)


The Paradox of God

Q: Some of us are lucky enough to have had a God experience as children or something, and on the other hand, we have hundreds of different groups of people who suggest that theirs is the way you are going to find God. So, perhaps You have a suggestion or something to say about why some of us ask for revelation and get it immediately or within a couple of years, and some of us spend the rest of our lives begging for a sign of God and never see it.

M: That's a contradiction of God. The thing is, in the Bible it is said, Seek, and you shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you. (Matthew 7:7-8, KJV) but it's not like that. It depends on how we ask, and this we cannot teach. We cannot teach sincerity; we cannot teach desire for God. Each one must find a way to communicate this desire to Hirm. For example, two persons ask for the same thing, but one really wants it and the other one just asks because it's there or because someone else has it. God knows every soul's deepest desire of the heart. Sometimes people think, "I ask so much, I pray all the time, why doesn't God give, and this guy just kneels there for maybe five minutes and he got something?" This is because it's inside, just as we can only love one man and cannot love the other even though he's more handsome or richer; we just can't explain this.

Having a longing for God is one thing, but wanting God is another. The more you want something, the less likely you are to get it. That's the paradox of life, but it is true. For example when you say, "I need money," the Universe hears you; God hears you. "Oh, she needs money, all right!" The effect of your sentence will be that you will be needing money all the time for all of your life. That's the effect, because you ordered it. You said, "I need money," so They know, "Okay, she needs money," and that's the way you will be. You will be needing money, needing money, needing money.

In the Bible, it also is said that you have to believe that you will get what you ask for. (And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22 KJV) But that's another trick there. How can you believe that, when you know you won't get it? And you argue with yourself, "I believe that I will get it," but then you know you believe that you won't get it, and that's the thing. Unless we become child-like again, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. That purity, we have to have. We have to cleanse ourselves inside out, upside down every day; that's why we have to meditate. We have to really repent, inside not outside. That's why we go to church, we go anywhere, we go to the Himalayas, we go to the Ganges and bathe, but it doesn't have any effect. It has to be inside, and we have to know.

There's one trick I want to tell you: if you want something, then don't want it. That is difficult, but that's how we have everything. Do you think I want all this jewelry, all this success, all this money and all this fame? No, I don't! I never wanted them. They just came to me, and God knows I tell the truth. I just do it because it's there; it just comes my way. I never wanted it. I still don't want them. Suppose tomorrow I lose everything that I ever earned and the whole world even slanders me, I won't care. You have to get to that state, and then you'll get everything.

The Other Side of God

Q: We are in a time of science and technology and we all have a belief and awareness of it. In the several thousand years of history, many Masters have come to the Earth and been able to show people the way to realize God. But the scientific world has still not found any tangible proof of it and we still have a lot of debate going on. We could all believe in God, but actually we cannot measure it.

M: I can prove it!

Q: I know this is a silly question, so forgive me for the stupidity, but there is a lot of debate going on. Would You like to say something about that tonight?

M: There are many ways to prove something. There are some ways to prove God, just not the scientific way. For example, they have proven that there are black holes, there is anti-matter, and you can call that God. There is energy, anti-energy, and things like that, but they are not measurable.

Q: You just can't measure it.

M: Yes, but we can know it because it's inside us, and if we know how, we can get it. I can show you. I can prove it to you, but you have to follow the way I tell you. Not follow me, but follow the guidelines, just like when we want to play football or drive a car, there are always rules.

Q: Not to me, because I know God and have no difficulty in believing, but can You prove it to the scientists, for example?

M: No, I cannot, because they want everything the material way. God is material, but God is also invisible. When God is materialized, then we see Hirm here and there, and in this and that. This is the God that you can touch: you can talk to, you can hug, you can kiss, you can love. These are all God, but there's another side of God that everyone is dying to know that you have to find in a different way.

The material way we can do in a material way, but the invisible way, we have to do invisibly. The scientists forget that side. They just concentrate on the material God, and then, of course, all they find are material things. Materialization of God, this is also correct. However, if they want to know something more about God, something else, another side of God, then they have to follow another way, just as they follow the material way to find the materialization of God. You see all the wonders of God in the material world. They have to follow another way in order to find the invisible wonders on the other side of God, and they don't do it. How can I prove it to them? I don't want to. I'm not here to prove that God exists or does not exist. I'm only here on this planet in case anyone wants to know the other side of our Father, the other side of God, the God that we also can love, but it's not the God that we imagine. I don't want to prove anything. I never have the desire to prove anything. I don't ever want to prove that I'm right. I just want to help you know God if you want to. That's very simple.

Q: Is there anyone that can be successful in shedding light on some issues for people who do not have Your level of awareness. If it's at all really important and I don't know whether it needs to be done or not, but if it's important, then perhaps people like You can try to persuade scientists they have got to change their ways of understanding things if they want to find proof.

M: They don't have to change their ways. They're okay the way they are, unless they want to know another side of themselves, and then they'll find a Master. There are plenty. There are some that are more famous than I am, more prestigious. I'm just a designer and by the way, I found God, or found God and by the way became a designer.

They don't have to do anything. No one ever has to do anything because everyone is God already. There is no hurry for anyone. Some people are ready; they want to go Home. Then they will find the Way: go to the Himalayas, find this Master, that Master. Some people still want to hang around here and it's okay. Everyone is okay; everyone is God. Truly, there is nothing. If you feel sorry for the people who do not want to study with Master Ching Hai, don't; they are God already. There's nothing they must do. If they don't want to, then they don't do it. They decide their lives; they decide their progress and the time that they take to go Home. They still have things to do here, so it's okay if they don't want to know God and if they don't want to prove it. It's okay because their job is to discover some new things and to invent some new comforts for us. Later on when they finish their jobs, maybe they will decide, "Okay, now I'm done with it. I want to go Home." Then a Master will appear to them; therefore, it's okay. Everything is okay.

I don't want to change the world in any way. I do everything here just because I'm requested. If you, who are my sister, ask me to do something, I'll do it for you; that's it. You ask me to design; I design. You ask me to come here to teach you meditation, I come and teach you meditation. I don't desire to do it, but I don't refuse. I'm not here because the world is so terrible that I have to save it or anything. I don't have any thinking like that because I know everyone is God. Definitely, there is no doubt about this. I'm not in a hurry to take anyone Home, unless they are in a hurry. Then I'll push it a little - "Okay, go!" [Master laughs] So relax, everyone is okay, I assure you. They will come Home one day. [Applause]

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