after having embarked on spiritual practice, we still
expect words of praise, then we are finished. It will
be impossible for us to realize the superior level of
total freedom and calmness, where there is neither good
nor bad, where one is not flattered when praised, or hurt
when defamed. To attain that level, we have to cultivate
spiritually and we need an Enlightened Master to edify
our internal self.
the Enlightened Master sees us, She will immediately know
where we need reparation, and how to do it, in a stern
or gentle way. Therefore, if we follow a Master for spiritual
practice, we should respect Her instructions and completely
offer our acts, speech and thoughts to Her. If our commitment
is half-given, then don't blame the Master when we fail
to achieve something. The Master gives us half when we
ask for half, and gives us all when we ask for all.
we have embarked on spiritual practice, we should not
think only of ourselves or care only about our body and
pleasant experiences. We must not forget the sufferings
of others. Therefore, we ought to go out even if we don't
want to. The goal of our spiritual practice is to benefit
others, not just ourselves; and that is the truly noble
ideal. Readily share with others any good things we have;
such is the true aim of spiritual practice.