Special Report

Master Joins Disciples
for the
Last Halloween
of the Century

By the Los Angeles News Group, California, U. S. A

Recently, a strong earthquake struck in the vicinity of Los Angeles, California, setting off rumors that a greater quake was yet to come. Traffic accidents occurred frequently and police car sirens, fire engines, and ambulances could be heard throughout the day. In the ensuing weeks, as Halloween approached, an unsettling feeling prevailed among many people concerning the coming of the new millennium.
Master graces Los Angeles
with Her presence.

Sensing this uneasiness, our omniscient Master suddenly graced Los Angeles with Her presence. This pleasant surprise not only had fellow practitioners rushing to the Center from Los Angeles and surrounding areas, but also brought supreme blessings to the State of California.

Master appeared at our Los Angeles Center around lunch time after the Saturday group meditation session on October 30th. She looked fresh and elegant in a milky white blouse and white pants that were matched by a pearl necklace and a pair of pearl earrings. Her curly, shoulder-length hair gave Her an absolutely gorgeous and stylish look.

Master greeted everyone cheerily, and then playfully stretched Her arms on the tree branches behind Her seat to relax Herself, as everyone burst into delightful laughter. An Aulacese initiate-to-be asked for a hug, which Master kindly granted, and then She listened to the sister whisper into Her ear for a while. The child and mother of a fellow initiate offered flowers to Master and requested initiation, and Master gave Her approval immediately. For two young sibling fellow practitioners who were having problems in life and spiritual practice, Master's patient responses to their long series of questions turned their tears into laughter.

In a special discourse to young initiates, Master said that She admired them as yogis because in such a turbulent world they still can be vegetarians and meditate. She added that with just a little more practice they will be perfect. Master encouraged them to discipline themselves in meditation and to do it just like breathing. There are only two things in life: correct things and incorrect things. Master said they should list what they need to do each day, take control of their lives, and discharge their responsibilities.

When a sister would-be initiate asked Master how to deal with stress in her teaching profession, Master commented to her that there is no gain without pain. Master advised her to do whatever she has to do and do it for fun. If she loses, she loses. Be a good loser and forget the job. Don't do it for the position. If she does, she will cheapen herself; instead, do it for the students' knowledge. If she gives the best of herself, the work will be fulfilling to her.

After satisfying our intellectual needs with Her loving and often humorous answers to our questions, Master granted permission for an initiation that afternoon. Later, She chatted casually with some guests and disciples outside the meditation hall. During the initiation, Master patiently taught the new practitioners how to recite the Holy Names. Then She went outside and distributed candy to each person present. One by one, Master personally gave the blessed candy to each disciple with Her own hands. Blessing each individual, She made each one feel like the most beloved one in the whole universe. Later that night, Master answered questions posed by disciples and then went to the dining hall to again bless everyone. Before leaving, Master encouraged us to meditate more, especially until the coming of the year 2000.

Sunday was Halloween and everyone dressed up in colorful and creative costumes as ETs, ghosts, figures from Star Wars, brides, and angels; some wore traditional dress while others donned costumes fully covering their bodies, along with masks on their faces. People were enjoying the food and festivities when suddenly we heard applause signaling Master's arrival. Were we ever surprised when the person wearing a long, purple robe with a full black mask who had been walking around in the crowd like everyone else turned out to be Master! She warmly greeted everyone, and with delight, we all laughed happily, while some of us were contemplating a subtler message: "Master came in disguise and only a few recognized Her. Likewise, many people in the world are waiting for the Savior, but She is already here. It's just that few people can recognize Her in this new earthly costume."

Everyone enjoys a special Halloween
with Master.

In a jovial mood, Master began tossing pieces of candy into the outstretched arms of the crowd. We yelled and cheered each time She threw some of the precious treats, and the atmosphere was alive with excitement. Master, perhaps caught up in the spontaneity of the moment, yelled and screamed with us, and we all became children again for one carefree moment when time stopped and heaven reigned on Earth.

Next, Master put on clown make-up in front of the admiring onlookers. Yes, our Master made Herself into a clown, making fun of Herself and amusing everyone in order to liberate them.

The Center's performance program lasted quite a long time, from afternoon till evening, with a break in between for supper. And Master endured the performers' lack of preparation with Her usual compassion and grace.

Master puts on clown make-up
in front of admiring onlookers.

After a rigorous day, Master was obviously tired. She jokingly said that new "ghosts" from hell were exhausting Her. God knows how many souls She had just saved. The night ended with Master again distributing fruit and candy, infused with Her boundless love, to initiates and guests, leaving us in bliss and determined to meditate more to help Her save the world.

For those who may never have enjoyed Halloween before, this last celebration of the holiday in the Twentieth Century turned out to be one of the best times of their lives, all because of Master's love and blessings.