Master Says |
We are not only this physical being, but we are a multifold being. We are great, great, greater than we could imagine ourselves to be. The deeper we go into the mysterious universal atmosphere, the more we can find out about ourselves: that we exist in many different levels of consciousness at the same time as we exist here and now on this physical planet.
Going to heaven doesn't mean we have to go anywhere, or die first. We might call it "dying", but we still can live and function in this world while seeing heaven or contacting God at the same time. By going through our different levels of Self, of consciousness, we can visit the different mansions of God, and then we will find that what the Bible says is true," We are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit lives within us."
It is wonderful to know that we are manifold beings, and that with a little practice we can see our higher Self anytime we want; and when we ascend into the highest level of our Self, then we can see God as well. We are also part of the Most High. When we go to the highest level, of course, we will see the essence of our true Self, which is God, because at that time, we don't have the human ego anymore. Consequently, in this same way we can avoid many of the unpleasant happenings in our lives. We can avoid a lot of suffering by ascending into a higher level of our Self and finding happiness there. When we come back to this physical level, even if we still experience mundane suffering, we will have become much stronger, much more spiritually awakened, and we can deal with our problems and our sorrows in a very easy manner. That's why the Bible says, "Seek you first the Kingdom of God and everything else shall be added unto you."
Suppose our house has many levels but if we have never ascended the stairs to see the higher levels, then of course, we do not know how much we have and how many rooms we have in our house. Jesus said, In the house of my Father, there are many mansions. This is a way of explaining the different levels of human existence. If now and again, we go into a higher level of intelligence, then when we come back to this physical world, we will become more able, wiser and happier; therefore, we will become a different being. We can feel as if we are living in heaven while discharging our duty on this physical planet. Most of the suffering, most of the burdens come from our lack of understanding about the higher part of ourselves, the part that is in direct contact with God. If we know the way to contact this higher part of ourselves, then we can contact God.
There are different departments in our absolute being that house so many wonders. Every level is different from another and every level consists of different things that we can make use of even for this physical life. All these levels of being of our Self exist at the same time. It's just that we do not have a connection with them. We have forgotten how to reconnect ourselves, and that's why we only have knowledge of the physical existence. No wonder we have no knowledge of other planets. No wonder we have no knowledge about heaven. No wonder we do not find peace easily with each other. No wonder we have to resort to war sometimes.
We all know that only about five or ten percent of the human capacity is used. Where is the other eighty or ninety percent? It's going to waste. I am here to show you how to make use of your complete wisdom - the other eighty or ninety percent that is left dormant. And it's so easy that even children can do it. The more we have access to this greater part of our intelligence, the better a human being we will become. Moreover, it will never cost us anything because these things are our own treasures. Just like you have money in the bank but you have forgotten where your checkbook is, I just will point it out to you.
By going into all this remaining wisdom of our being, we will be able to understand the universe. We will be able to understand and know God and to communicate with Hirm directly and daily. The higher we go into the Kingdom of God, the freer we will feel; and the burdens of this gross material world will have less and less effect upon us. Even our physical well being will become better and better. Of course, we do not want to find God just because we want to cure our physical sickness but the bonuses also are there in abundance.
The happiness we feel inside after we have found God, we will not want to trade for the whole world. That's why the Bible dares us, "What is the good of a man who gains the whole world and loses his own soul?" To "lose our soul" means that we do not recognize our greatness; we do not know what else we are except this physical body and this physical way of life. The Bible also mentions that, "Whoever forsakes the world will gain it, and whoever runs after the world will lose it."
The purpose of the soul coming into this world is to find God and nothing else will make it happy until it finds God again. But when we are in this physical world and this physical prison of flesh, we forget our purpose of life because it is such an arrangement of the negative power. It will entrap us here with all kinds of pleasures and illusions, making us busy, making us suffer, and also making us cling to these ephemeral, temporary pleasures of the flesh and forget heaven. That's why no matter how many possessions we have, no matter how high our position in society, we are never truly happy here if we do not have spiritual nourishment at the same time. Just like a rich man who has a grand house with many rooms and levels, but if he always stays in the darkness of the basement, he will never see the sun; and he will never have a chance to see all the treasures that lie waiting for him in the other, higher levels of the house.
We are manifold beings: we are physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual beings. In order to be a complete human being, in order to be a Godlike being, as God made us in Hiers own image, we have to know our real Self, our complete Self. Lacking any part of ourselves, we will never be happy; we will always feel that there is something missing, but we do not know what.
In order to go straight to the highest heaven after we leave this physical body, we should know that heaven now, while living. We can visit heaven during our free time and then return to this physical body to fulfill our existence. Then we will know that we are not the physical body; we are truly God's children. It is not because we know that, but it's just the feeling inside, the merging together with the Universal Power, the Universal Oneness, that we will become a different being, a true being, a heavenly being on this planet. Then we will have nothing else but joy and happiness, even while living in this world.