Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Young Dong Center, Korea
May 9, 1998 (Originally in English
All knowledge of the medical properties of herbs and the art of meditative exercises, including Tai Chi Chuan or Hatha Yoga, originated from a higher level of consciousness. When the yogi is meditating, he sometimes does it naturally by himself. In some level, not the highest level, suddenly the body will move or something like that. That's why you see temple dances and all that. These are all from meditative experiences. Later people write it down, and then it becomes popular in this physical world. Similarly in music also, the flute, the harp, etc. are all from inside. Then people later came back and tried to imitate it just to communicate with each other in the old time, to know each other's level, and also as a souvenir. That's why the outer music amuses people, and heals people, too. Sometimes, when you are tired and you can't even meditate alone, if you listen to some music and meditate at the same time, or leave it on in the background or listen with earphones, then you will feel calm after a few hours; but the Quan Yin will calm you after ten or twenty minutes.