Special Reports |
Report by the USA News Group (Originally in English)
As the world anxiously awaited the new millennium, with Master's merciful permission, a millennium celebration and seven-day retreat were held in Bangkok, Thailand from December 27, 1999 to January 2, 2000. Thousands of fellow initiates and guests from around the world gathered there to attend the retreat and joyfully celebrate the coming of the new millennium. During this period, many new initiates, both adults and children, were "born" into the enormous Quan Yin family.
The retreat was held at the Rangsit Sports Complex of Thammasat University in Bangkok, the site of the 1998 Asian Games. The complex is an enormous facility styled in a village-type arrangement and equipped with many stadiums and a residential area for athletes.
The main meditation hall was set up in a huge stadium. Through the great effort of the retreat working staff, the lecture stage of the meditation hall included a beautiful, multicolored replica of the Thai royal palace bearing the inscription "2000 - Greeting the Golden Age". Also, many banners with logos consisting of a heart and year 2000 pattern were hung throughout the hall. Each day of the retreat, several meditation sessions were held, and Master came frequently to meditate or talk with us.
In another stadium
situated next to the meditation hall, a display hall included spiritual information
desks, a book circulation area, exhibitions of Celestial Clothes and Celestial
Jewelry, and other booths. Because of its ample space and great energy, a stage
was also arranged in this stadium so that Master could meet with initiates from
various parts of the world group-by-group during the retreat.
We were delighted that Master meditated with us during the first morning session of the retreat. In the afternoon, when again meeting with initiates, She spoke of the best time to meditate, suggesting that we should not wait until we are so tired that we almost collapse and then try to meditate. She said, "Try to meditate when you still have a little energy left so that you can recharge your energy. Your body is like a car; if the battery still has a little bit left, you can recharge it using your own car, or you can run the car and recharge it. But if the battery is completely "kaput" and the car won't even move anymore, then you have to get a new battery or another car to recharge it. That's very tiring and takes a long time."
During Her meeting with initiates from Mainland China, Master noted that they were very good practitioners, who had chosen to live in a difficult environment so that they could progress quickly. Master said that even if She taught only one Chinese person, all Chinese would benefit because of the blood relationship among them. Master cited an example: When She is speaking in the exhibition hall, by pressing a button the working staff could let all the other initiates in the meditation hall see and hear Her. She asked if even a material machine could have such a fantastic function, how much more would the bloodline of God have? Master continued by citing a recent newspaper report of a laboratory in the United States where several monkeys were taught to drink from a cup. Later the same species of monkeys far away in Africa was found also to have the ability to drink using a cup. Master pointed out that if even monkeys are capable of communicating from heart to heart over long distances, then human beings could not be inferior to them. Thus, many fellow initiates have the experience that Master is taking care of everyone invisibly; regardless of whether they comply with or resist Her, She takes care of everyone. Furthermore, She takes care of anyone who remembers or thinks of Her, or is related to a fellow practitioner.
During the question and answer session that evening, a Western disciple said that she had experienced a period of about one and a half months when she felt as though she were in the clouds. She felt very free, could no longer feel anger or sadness, and could not understand other people's feelings. Master responded that this was a kind of meditation in which she had entered a different dimension of existence. Her body was here, but her feelings were elsewhere, which is why she did not feel what other people felt. Master pointed out that this happens to a lot of spiritual practitioners, even to Herself, and encouraged her to be happy that at least she had experienced one such time, which is called the "emptiness of existence," although this is not the highest state. Master noted that the highest state is very "normal," commenting that spiritual practitioners are the most normal human beings. Most people who do not practice look like humans, but they are not normal. That's why Jesus said, "Let the dead bury the dead." After you are awakened at initiation, then you begin to be alive, to be reborn, and then you grow up and become a truly normal human being, as well as a saint. You have a heavenly existence and a human existence at the same time.
Then Master
concluded, "Most people, before practicing, are only humans - not normal
humans, but they exist only in the physical dimension. They don't know anything
about the spiritual world. They can feel anything about human existence, but
they don't feel anything about heaven. After practicing a while, they just feel
the heavenly existence, like you felt. They don't feel the human existence,
even though they are here. Then, afterwards and higher than that, they have
both human feelings and a heavenly existence. That is the state of perfection."
Master serves us cereal. |
During the retreat Master often meditated with us and chanted the Holy Names, and once She sang holy songs with us. During an evening session, Master asked the initiates to sing "Hallelujah to the Lord" and the "Quan Yin Bodhisattva Praise" with Her. Deeply touched by Master's devotion and boundless love, we sang from our hearts. Some initiates were so touched that they could not keep the tears from falling as they sang. The chanting was so sincere and harmonious that it seemed to purify everything, including our minds and even the atmosphere of the world. One could feel a very beautiful vibration in the air and at that moment, it was like Heaven on Earth. After the chanting, Master gently whispered, "You sang beautifully."
During the recess periods, Master often walked among us, blessing everyone. She also had breakfast with us almost every day, while during the day, She continued to meet with guests and initiates by group, answering questions and distributing blessed food. All participants in the retreat felt very peaceful, happy and joyful during those days and it was truly as Master said: "This is heaven."
On December 29, in answering a brother's question about how to protect himself from karmic ties to his medical patients, Master advised him that, apart from repeating the Holy Names, washing himself with lemon would cut the energetic and psychic connections. She said that at the end of the day or anytime it was needed, he should wash with copious amounts of water with a few drops of lemon and some salt added. She also indicated that vigorously shaking his hands at least seven times would also help to sever any psychic connections.
During the afternoon and evening of December 30, Master continued to see western initiates. In the question and answer session, Master pointed out that some subtle negative qualities hidden in us only reveal themselves when certain situations arise. For example, we don't feel jealous of pretty women under normal circumstances, but if our boyfriend pays attention to another woman, we may feel jealous. Before that, we did not realize we even had the jealous quality, but the situation served to bring it to our attention. Master said that as long as we recognize we have some negative qualities, there is no need to feel so bad about them. Once you recognize something, it is almost cured already.
Later, in answering an initiate's question about how to deal with bad habits, Master gave another excellent reply on the same topic stating, "You are not bad. It is your brain, your computer, which records all these things and plays them back again." She cautioned us never to identify ourselves with these bad habits, explaining that it is only our acquired habits that are bad, and these are from our associations with bad people or presence in bad environments. For example, if we go to a fish shop, even if we don't buy anything, if the people there just touch us or rub against us, still we will feel that we reek of the fish smell. That is all there is to our so-called "bad self."
She admonished us not to blame ourselves, but to just get rid of the bad habits whenever we can, one by one. Encouragingly, Master pointed out that we are very good already - "You couldn't harm a living thing now, not even an ant. You are so sweet, like a walking angel already." As long as we do whatever is instructed at the time of initiation and meditate each day to nourish the soul, that's all we can do, and everything else is just the surface. Using nature as an analogy, She pointed out that the ocean doesn't have waves; waves arise from the wind and the shifting of the planet. "You are the ocean, which is always calm and beautiful. As long as the ocean is still on the surface of this planet, there will always be waves. You will always discover something that is not you, which you have simply recorded. You are never, never anything more than just pure beauty and light. That's what you should know about your Self. One day you will realize that you are truly, truly perfect. Even if you do something wrong, it is perfectly so -- perfectly wrong!" [Master and all laugh.] Master continued, "But it is just the thing that's wrong. Maybe even those wrong things are meant to be, so that something else will come up. Sometimes you have to go through some so-called wrong situation in order to meet with the right person or the right thing. It's really like that. So, just put yourself in the hands of God. Try your best. That's all. Never blame yourself; never think anything bad about yourself because you are God. It's just some bad habits; if you don't like them, get rid of them!" [Applause]
A brother narrated an experience during meditation in which he went to a large city with grass, waterfalls, hills, and white houses and where he found that the park benches were living plants. When he asked Master about the significance of this experience, She answered, "Heavenly cities are like that; heavenly things are very lively, very alive - the clouds, tables, everything is alive and you can talk to them. It's not like here. (Master knocked on the table in front of Her.) There is life in here also, but we cannot see it. Actually, scientists have proven that all these things are alive, but we cannot see it with our naked eyes. When we are in the heavenly dimension, we can see all these things very clearly. That's why we call that the "real world." This one is not real because everything we see here is not really what it is; the eyes deceive us. We see the table, the stones, everything, as dead, everything as standing still, but they are not. In the real world, everything appears exactly as it is. That's why we call it "real" and say that this one is an illusion. Everything here deludes us."
Master said to him, "You just had a glimpse of one of the cities in the real world. I have mentioned that when you journey to heaven, you come across many different places. We just name a few of the landmarks during initiation, but you will see plenty of things; wherever you wander, you will see them and they are more beautiful than here. Houses are in the air, things like that. There is no need for structure, no need for supports, and everything is alive. You can talk to everything, and you never feel lonely even if you stay alone. Here you feel lonely even if you are in a crowd because you can't communicate with each other through the inner connection. We have to talk in different languages and even if we can speak the same language, we have a lot of misunderstanding. That's why I get very tired sometimes. I am not used to all these problems. Even at my age, I haven't forgotten heaven where you don't need language and explanations. Everything is transparent; everything is so easy and so relaxed. You understand each other perfectly without any lip movement."
Later, Master mentioned that all of us are educated during sleep because that is the best time for Her to take us out of our bodies without the resistance of our computer brains. She said, "Some people sleep during meditation or meditate during their sleep at night, and they get the information running through all their cells and DNA. Everything changes and they understand it. So even if you don't meditate well, don't worry. There is training going on during the daytime and the success, the results, sometimes come at another time. It's just like when you are learning to ride a bicycle, you keep falling and falling, and suddenly one day you can do it. Nothing is a waste when you really make an effort to sit to meditate and calm your mind. It will bear fruit."
Master also reminded us that when She comes in to meditate with us, there is no need for us to applaud, expecting Her to talk. She said that She doesn't always have to speak in order to contact our souls. "I believe that whatever you want to gain, you gain through silence, through your own effort. And your own wisdom will reawaken and give you whatever answer you want to hear."
Responding to one question, Master explained that eight generations of a practitioner's family can be liberated because there is a bloodline, a DNA connection, which is not only a physical connection; there also are psychic and spiritual connections between members of a family. "All your family members are but yourself - divided, manifested, fabricated, and manufactured by your own Self. Therefore, if you are liberated, all these fabricated, divided figures, of course, will disappear into nowhere or to where they belong."
The Thailand New
Millennium International Seven-Day Retreat
On the evening of December 31, 1999, Master invited all initiates, their family members, and friends to a tea party in the meditation hall, which was decorated with colorful balloons, ribbons and flags. The kitchen staff served delicious tea and snacks. When Master entered the meditation hall, thunderous cheers and applause rocked the entire stadium. Wearing a beautiful white dress embroidered with golden thread, Master walked very slowly around the meditation hall, looking at each initiate with Her loving eyes.
and all the retreat participants sing "Hallelujah" together.
Master leads initiates in meditation and the singing of "Hallelujah", blessing the entire world with pure and beautiful vibrations. |
Then, the performance began. One beautiful performance followed another as Master, disciples, and guests enjoyed the evening's celebration. It was most touching and meaningful to see initiates from mainland China and Au Lac perform for Master. It was a great blessing that brothers and sisters from these countries could attend this most special retreat and celebration. Their presence made this already momentous occasion even more special. The audience cheered for every performance and the hall was filled with happiness.
About 15 minutes before midnight, Master led initiates in meditation and prayer for world peace as the world was entering a new millennium. After the meditation, Master and the audience sang "Hallelujah" to bless the world, then Master wished everyone a happy New Year, and the performance resumed. Once the entertainment had ended, Master shared with us, "Everyone was so worried about the year 2000, as if we were not going to be here anymore in the year 2000. I kept telling everyone that it was going to be okay, that I was still going to be around in the year 2000, but no one believed it and made so much noise, generating so much nervousness and worried energy, so I'm glad it's over. I'm glad we're in the year 2000; I congratulate myself." Master said this with laughter and everyone applauded.
Master wears a gold Thai royal outfit reminding us of the glory of our true Home and the new golden era before us. |
hope that from today we and the other people on this planet will change for
the better, inside and outside. We are stepping into the Golden Age. You are
going to be happy! [Applause] At least for us it is a Golden Age, because we
will feel really good. We have felt good since the time of initiation, but we
will feel better now since the whole planet's population has relaxed. We also
will feel much lighter, and since this relaxing peaceful atmosphere is going
to affect everyone, our practice of meditation will be much better, smoother,
more peaceful, more fruitful, and you are going to be very, very happy. [Applause]
I'm glad we made it; it has been very, very scary. [Master laughs] We had so
much trouble in the last part of the century, and everyone was very nervous
and worried. Now it's all behind us. We're going to live a very beautiful, happy,
fulfilling life." Again, everyone applauded with contentment and gladness!
On the afternoon of New Year's Day, a celebration was held in the retreat's main meditation hall, which was filled to capacity with initiates and guests. Virtually everyone was wearing traditional dress, giving one the impression of being in a different time and place.
Master entered the hall wearing a gold Thai royal outfit and was followed by a procession of attendants. This was truly a magnificent sight. The performance was as diverse as our organization, with a wide variety of countries represented. Initiates from around the world presented numerous programs divided into three sessions.
The opening act of the first session was a Thai Drum performance, featuring a full range of drums. Several professional Thai traditional dances and instrumental performances impressed everyone. Next, a lively and hilarious dance by a group of young initiates from Formosa provided some comic relief. Afterwards, a variety of marvelous songs, dances and instrumental performances by initiates from different parts of China, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Malaysia, Au Lac, Formosa, Sri Lanka and other places demonstrated the great creativity and diversity of our fellow practitioners. The most touching group included twelve Aulacese sisters who had received initiation in the refugee camps of Hong Kong and were later repatriated. Coming from Au Lac to join the retreat in Thailand, they sang two songs, "Everyone Comes From Everywhere for Unification" and "God Is Always With Me."
A peacock dance from Indonesia kicked off the second session. Then the audience really warmed up when a New Zealand brother played the guitar and sang the Beatles' song "Let It Be." A six-year-old initiate from Hong Kong next performed a solo comedy routine called "Spiritual Practice of a Puppet," in which he energetically depicted how a puppet would meditate. He won deafening applause and laughter from the audience. After the performance, Master called him to Her side and imitated the puppet's motions as She blessed his head (as per his own request!!). A flute solo by a Korean brother then gave us a rare glimpse of his remarkable skill. Fellow initiates from Taipei performed a beautiful classical dance entitled "Flying Apsaras," featuring fascinating movements with colored ribbons. Other programs that followed were songs from the Peking opera by an initiate from mainland China, a soprano from Australia, and classical music by a Japanese sister, demonstrating the splendor of Oriental and Western musical art. Other unique and remarkable performances included dances from China, Formosa and Korea, a flute solo from Germany, and songs by initiates from Au Lac, Australia, and Los Angeles.
In the final session of this enchanted evening, initiates from China introduced a hilarious form of comedic dialogue, and then a pregnant sister from England performed a contemporary dance in an absolutely relaxed and natural style. Next, accompanied by the music "Happy Baby," a young sister from China danced in such a lively and spontaneous manner that adults and children alike were drawn onto the stage to join her. A young initiate from Indiana played a beautiful synthesis of Master's musical compositions on the piano. A large group of Aulacese initiates contributed a comedy routine that was followed by a grand chorus of Chinese initiates singing, "Tomorrow Will Be a Better Day." The next act, a break-dancing performance by young initiates from various USA Centers, was truly dynamic, and when a group of female resident disciples sang "Hot Desert" and "Little Lamb Wants To Go Home," the sensational evening finally came to an end.
After the performances, Master cut several large cakes that had been prepared by the cooking team, and once again wished everyone a happy new year, saying that She wished our Quan Yin family would progress step-by-step like the layers of the cakes. Master added that our family is a family of love, and thanked everyone for sharing the love and happiness with the world.
After the celebration,
Master gave us a most precious gift for the new millennium by allowing us to
become "little teachers." We now have the privilege of teaching the
Convenient Method of meditation to those who are ready to receive it. Patiently
reminding us to meditate diligently and pray to our Inner Master for guidance,
She asked us to be good teachers by setting fine examples for other people and
to remind them to become vegetarian as much as they can. Surprised and delighted
at this priceless gift, we applauded loudly to thank Her. At the same time,
we also understood that the Earth truly has come to a new era of spirituality,
and when more people learn meditation, it will change even more rapidly.
Following the program, Master gathered all the retreat's working team members to thank them for their services. She said that She felt the great love of the initiates, and that She was proud to be a sister in this loving family. She told the initiates to "bring love back to the people of this planet."
Noticing that most working team members were from Formosa, Master praised the Formosan initiates for their spirit of sacrifice. She reflected on life in Formosa and Her spiritual practice with Formosan initiates saying, "Now that our family is becoming bigger, you are seniors, so please help me to take care of the initiates." Then Master thanked them again, wishing each one a happy new year and new millennium, progress in spiritual practice, the attainment of a high spiritual level, and blessings from God.
When we had to say good-bye, although feeling reluctant to part with Master, we said that we wished She would take better care of Herself. Master seized this opportunity to teach us how to use positive power: "In the future, don't say 'Master, You worked too hard!' Instead, maybe we can say, 'Master, You look good and happy.' Say more positive words, think more positively, and do more positive work."
Then the retreat
ended, and all of us were fully recharged. We will never forget this historic
moment when Master led us into the new millennium and our memorable time with
Her in Thailand. As we were leaving the retreat site, Master's words, "Please
bring love back to the people of this planet," were still resounding in
our hearts. Our faith has become firmer than ever and we are very confident
we will have happy and fulfilling lives, and with Master's love and blessings,
the world will be a better place in which to live.