Supreme Art

Celestial Clothes Fashion Album


  The Supreme Master Ching Hai has never received formal training in fashion design, yet demonstrates a highly original use of design principles, freely exploring the world of elegant style. Through Her S.M. Celestial Clothes collections, The Supreme Master Ching Hai not only beautifies the physical world, but also helps to deliver messages from heaven, sharing with the world the true bliss brought about by Her exquisite creations.

  This superb memorial album features precious photos of our beautiful Master wearing Her own Celestial Clothes designs, providing demonstrations of how to match items in the most perfect ways. Footnotes in both English and Chinese describe each special design and style, and are supplemented by color photos of samples of each fabric that give a better appreciation of Master's ethereal creative ideas and the art of stylish dress.

  This is not only an album of beauty but a reference volume for fashion experts -- a book worthy of being treasured forever. The S.M. Celestial Clothes Company invites you to enjoy this "Pictorial Celestial Clothes fashion show."

  For more information, contact the S.M. Celestial Clothes Company's Beauty Hotline at 886-2-87910860.


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