arrived at the lecture hall looking very fresh and beautiful in a
simple but
elegant white outfit. To greet Her, a group of students performed
a Philippine folk dance that depicted the country's culture and the
Filipino way of welcoming guests.
beginning the lecture, Master asked audience members to close their
eyes and pray for the Philippines and its people. She then apologized
for the insufficient size of the lecture hall. Addressing those who
were unable to obtain a seat inside, Master said, "You have a
seat in my heart, always."
further complimented the Filipino people for their warmth and sincere
spiritual nature, particularly in the area of giving. "If we
give and are kind only when we are in fortunate situations or when
we are rich and wealthy and comfortable, then it is not so much of
a surprise. Only when we give from a very humble situation or even
in a trying situation, does the Lord know that we truly are Hiers
beloved children, and we bring the love of God to this planet. Blessed
are you. You are so great, so loving, so kind, so warm, and so generous.
All your trials and tribulations just magnify these great qualities
of the Filipino people." (The government and people of the Philippines
accepted more than 5,000 Au Lac refugees and granted them Philippines
national status.)
on to describe God as an almighty power -- all-loving, all kind and
all-forgiving -- Master said that we have to go within to remember
and return to the kingdom of God. Speaking with great compassion,
She said, "We are from heaven, all of us. Even those who think
they are the worst sinners are also from heaven. The reason they sin
is just because they are frustrated here. In their deepest subconscious
memories, they remember what heaven was like. They remember the freedom,
the abundance, the richness and the mighty power they had when they
were with the Father."
said that newborn infants also remember their place in heaven, sometimes
very acutely! "When we come to this planet and are encased in
this physical body, we feel very restricted. That's why babies cry
the first moment they come here. If this were such a happy place,
they would smile when they were born. It is because when babies are
first born, they are still very much in contact with the God power
and the Father in heaven. When they contact this very coarse and suffering
world, they feel immediate pain and cannot bear it, so they cry."
older we get, the more our memory of heaven fades. There is a reason
for this: so that we can continue in this physical life without feeling
too homesick. We have to do whatever we have to do here, so God has
arranged that we forget our origin, but only for a while. "We
have come here so that we can know God. Even if our purpose in life
is different, our reason for coming here is different, our way of
living is different, the one and only goal we have in coming here
is to recognize God. It sounds paradoxical, but it is like that."
explained that the reason we need this contrast between the physical
and heavenly realms is because we have already been in heaven with
the Father for all of eternity. We were one with the Creator for all
of time. So we need a reflection of all this glory; we need to experience
what is not real in order to know what is real. Just like we need
a mirror to see our face. The mirror provides only an image or reflection.
What we see there is not real, but because of the mirror, we know
what we look like on the outside.
this world is just an illusion, a mirror image, a reflection of the
true world of Godhood. But we need it so that we know what God is
like. That's why the Bible says to judge not because you will be judged.
We should not judge our brothers and sisters because they are God's
children also. They are of the same essence as God. We are all children
of God, and no matter what a person does, he or she is God inside.
all choose different ways to know God. Some choose a very moral way
so that they get to know God more quickly. Some choose a longer and
harder way by being less moral, less noble, less good, so that they
can learn to know God in a more intense way. Of course, by our human
standards, we value good and bad, moral and immoral. Therefore, we
have judgment. But in the eyes of our Father, we are all equal, because
everything here is an illusion, anyway. Bad or good is not real. It
is just a reflection so that we know God in Hiers totality. We have
been in heaven for so long where everything so good, so pure, and
so perfect that we cannot really know perfection unless we see imperfection
-- just as we cannot realize the nature of a man unless we have a
woman to compare with. We cannot know goodness unless we contrast
it with something bad. That's why we came into this world, so that
we can know the worst of the suffering.
we don't have to continue to suffer or be forever homesick for our
heavenly origins. Master told the audience, "I am going to show
you the 'within' kingdom. That way, you can see for yourself that
we are not human beings; we are not this mortal body. God lives within
us. And when God lives within us we are part of God, we are one with
God. We are not normal, mortal sentient beings. If we see this for
ourselves, then we truly will understand the Bible when Jesus mentions
that the kingdom of God is within us. We can see it for ourselves."
describing the kingdom of God within us, Master said, "We will
see some of the experiences that the past saints have had while they
were in communion with God. For example, St.John heard the trumpet
of heaven, and Moses saw God appear in a great column of light. He
also heard God speaking to him with a sound like thunder and the sound
of many waters. These experiences recorded in the Bible are real,
but are not mysterious things that only happened to the saints in
the past. They are real and can happen to any of us here today, because
we are all children of God. Therefore, any time we want to go within
to see the kingdom, we can do it. It's just that we don't. We normally
see candy, flowers, people, work, money, cars, traffic, and the sun
and moon outside. But we don't ever try to go inside, which is a completely
different world and is the true world. The kingdom of God within is
full of glory and full of Light that is brighter than 10,000 suns
of this planet. But it doesn't burn your eyes; it doesn't make you
feel uncomfortable. It makes you feel more elated, lighter, wiser,
more loving, kinder, and nearer to our original abode, which we call
continued, "The reason we are unhappy is that no matter how much
money we have and how high a position we have in society, we have
forgotten this true kingdom of God. Jesus said not to lay up our treasure
in this world, that our true treasure is in heaven. What He meant
is that we must see this treasure from the inside, and then our life
becomes better all the time. Even in our outer life, the inside treasure
will manifest and make us a different person. Our look will be different,
our thinking will be difference, our work efficiency will be different,
and our intelligence will be different. Our whole outlook will become
different from the inside out."
look different today than 15 years ago. Everything I have today is
because of what the kingdom of God has given me. As a human being,
I could never accomplish anything. I was nobody until God graced my
soul with Hiers own love and knowledge, until God was awakened within
myself and showed me that Hes was there. Hes showed me that I could
always love Hirm, rely on Hirm, and call on Hirm. Hes told me that
Hes is the Supreme Master. 'Ching Hai' means Ocean of Love. It's not
my physical name. It is the name of our Father. We can also call Hirm
many different names; it doesn't matter. Just like we call our mother,
'mom', 'mommy', or anything, but she knows and we know."
we don't recognize our True Self, we can never truly be happy. But
if we know God, we are already happy when we are in the physical body,
so that when we die, we continue that happiness and only angels and
saints will come to greet us. Being originally from heaven, we just
'borrow' our body for the time we are here. This is similar to living
in a hotel or driving a car. Both are convenient for different purposes.
But our Real Self is the driver; it's not the car. As the driver,
we can step into or out of the car at any time, and enjoy different
things. Similarly, since our True Self is within us, we can go within
to the kingdom of God and then come back out. That is true liberation,
true freedom while living."
found the kingdom of God inside, we can take care of our family and
other responsibilities while still enjoying heaven whenever we have
free time. And when we become very adept at going within and coming
back out, we even can do both at the same time. We can clean our teeth
and talk to God. We can wash our dishes while seeing heaven, but this
requires practice. We need practice because we have forgotten not
only that the kingdom is within, but also that we can be free of the
body at any time."
illustrate the powerful hold of this habitual thinking, Master told
the story of an airplane pilot who often had overnight duty. At work,
the pilot became accustomed to sleeping in a chair that reclined rather
than sleeping in a normal bed. He used this recliner chair often at
work, which added up to a lot of time in his life. After a while,
he found he couldn't sleep in his bed at home. He had gotten so used
to sleeping in a chair that his ordinary flat and comfortable bed
became uncomfortable to him. The pilot finally bought a chair exactly
like the chair at work so that he could sleep at home.
asked, "Can you imagine? Habits can be so binding, so powerful,
that they can make us forget everything else. Similarly, we have sat
inside this body for so long that we have forgotten to leave it until
the time of death comes, and even then we are reluctant to leave it.
We cry and struggle. We don't want to leave the body that causes us
so much pain and suffering and work. For this body alone we work ten
hours a day. We have to do so many things to keep this body alive,
and yet when we die we don't even want to leave it. But heaven is
supremely beautiful! Once we know that, we want to leave the body
and this world immediately. We don't want to stay here one more second.
That's why the saints of the past and present have never cared about
dying or not dying. They have never cared much about material comfort
because they know a better life inside."
said that learning to return to our heavenly Home is actually easier
than many of the things we have to learn in the physical world. "To
learn to drive is difficult. Even learning to eat as a child is difficult.
But to learn to go back to heaven is not because that is where we
are from. We already know everything about heaven from the time before
we came here. Otherwise, where do you think we came from? If we didn't
come from heaven, where do you think we came from? Who is the 'we'
that comes into this physical body, and who is the 'we' that leaves
this physical body? It is the Real Self, the oneness with God, the
essence of our Being."
essence of our being can always leave this body and come back again,
anytime. This is the art, the real art of living, the true thing that
we have forgotten. And that's why we suffer. We have so much pain,
frustration, and sorrow. Sometimes we do things against our good judgment
because we forget our great Self. We are just thinking about food,
about our job, about problems. We forget that we are so great that
all of these problems, all of this poverty and all of this struggling,
are nothing at all to us. Once we regain our glory and power again,
nothing matters to us anymore on this physical planet. Even though
we still continue to work, it's just child's play to us because we
know we are great."
closing words for the lecture would inspire hope and inspiration in
anyone seeking true liberation: "After you become one with God
again, you remember your Self again, you will love without loving,
give without knowing. You will become compassionate without thinking
that you are even compassionate because we remember God, and God will
do everything. The ego will go; the mind will die, and God will take
charge of everything in our daily life. Every activity, every thought
and every word that we speak will be from Heaven. That's how we become
one with Heaven again."
the question and answer session that followed the lecture, one person
asked why God doesn't manifest Hiers power by performing as many miracles
today as Hes did in the time of the saints. Master answered by saying
that God is still performing miracles every day. However, since we
are accustomed to seeing the world with only our physical eyes, we
fail to behold these miracles with our heavenly eye. We can only see
what God is doing if we go within and contact Hirm.
on the vegetarian diet, Master said that it is a compassionate way
of life, and that we do it because we respect and love all beings
equally. By eating meat, we harm animals and cause them suffering
because of their fear of death, whereas eating plants does not have
the same effect because they can grow again.
response to a question about whether She believes in the second coming
of Christ, Master said, "Yes, I do. He comes every day!"
She went on to say that Christ is not dead; he just lives in a different
dimension now. If we want to see Jesus or any of the great past Masters,
we have to leave this physical body and ascend to the higher places
where all the Masters stay, and then we can learn from them. Master
said that She is here to show us how to go to this "greater school"
and learn with the great Teachers.
Master said that God gave Her this job because all the other jobs
had been taken. "Hes said, 'There is a vacancy. Every other job
is already occupied. This job is vacant.'" She went on to assure
us that we could all do this job. "We are all the same. It's
just that you have forgotten how to step in and step out of the kingdom
within yourself." She promised to tell people all that She knows,
unreservedly. "What I know, you will know." She invited
everyone to practice this Method, and to do the job of being Enlightened
Masters together.
asked, "What is the greatest happiness in this world?"Master
replied, "To know God." In answering many questions, Master
pointed out that we suffer because we don't know God. When one questioner
asked, "Where does God's kingdom come from?" Master said
She would guide people to see God, after which they can ask God directly.
A person from the audience asked Master why She was wearing fancy
clothes and jewelry, and Master said that She liked it. She added,
"Just like you put flowers here (on the stage) for me, I try
to make myself beautiful for you."
also mentioned that with the money She earns from fashion and jewelry
designing, She could buy air tickets for activities such as the lecture
tour. In this way, not only has She no need to accept offerings from
others, but She is even able to contribute to the needy in many countries,
including the Philippines. She then consulted the audience for their
opinion: "Can I continue with my designing and dressing?"
The audience replied loudly, "Yes!"