Master says


Change Your Attitude
and Start Anew


~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Penghu, Formosa, Jan. 26, 1989
(Originally in Chinese)

Now that the New Year has come, we can do something new, change programs, and probably we will feel different. We can begin to change some of our habits, or change some of the jobs we don't like to do, and instead do the jobs we like to do. For instance, we all wonder where we come from. Who are we after all? Why did we come to this world? How do we leave the world when we die? Who leaves the world? Where are we leaving for? Normally we are too busy to question and study these holy questions. But this year, we can decide to do it. By doing so, we celebrate the New Year in a really nice way.


Beautify the World with Love


~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Bangkok, Thailand, January 1, 1994
(Originally in English and Chinese)

In such a happy atmosphere of the New Year, we should not forget the less fortunate people. We should use our love, devotional spirit and spirit of care for each other to beautify this world and let our world become more and more meaningful, more and more beautiful.

New Year, New Person!

~Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hsihu Center, Formosa, January 3, 1995
(Originally in English)

I hope you have a good, new, fresh start and begin a new you. Tell your mind what to do, and then your mind will order the cells in your body what to do, because this is just like you have been doing since your birth. You tell yourself to brush your teeth, then the cells in the hand move, and the muscles of the arm move the way the mind has ordered.

Similarly, now you can begin to order your body and mind to do what you want, but according to the highest standards, then it will listen. The body is yours, the mind is yours, the brain is yours, and it's up to you to give them information and orders.

The reason why we couldn't do anything before, or we were failures is because we didn't give enough orders to the brain as to what to do, and the brain could not tell the cells what to do. So it continued to order in the old way -- sleep, drink, eat, produce children, work and die.

Now we can do all that; it's not that we eliminate any of that; but we can do more useful things than just sleeping all the time or eating, and then finish our life. Otherwise, we spend all our time in nonsense activities, when it can be used for better things that are more satisfactory for us, more useful for society, and more fun.

Above all, wherever you go, try to have fun; and don't repeat the same mistakes all the time. It's very boring. People can forgive us, but not every time. They can forgive us, but they cannot be interested in us when we make the same mistakes all the time. So we should try not to make the same mistakes all the time. If people have told you already they don't like that, then don't do it twice; that should be more than enough. You should always remember that. If you don't remember, write it down: "Don't do this again!" Or write the opposite.

For example, instead of saying "Don't walk north", say "Walk south." Be more positive, if you can. Instead of saying, "Don't talk too loudly," say "Talk quietly, talk gently, or talk in a lower voice." Then repeat it to yourself a few times. See if you can do it. If not, repeat it again, and try not to always bore people with the same mistakes.

Whatever you like to do, when you think it benefits yourself and others, try to do it this year. Make a list of what you want to do and do it. Admit your mistakes and apologize if you do wrong. If you don't do wrong, you don't have to apologize; just forget it. There's no need to argue too much; it wastes your and other people's time. If you can, explain it; if they don't believe you, forget it. It's no big deal.

Try to meditate more, of course. All the time - walking, sitting, sleeping, working, on your break hours and everywhere, try to always concentrate on your wisdom center, and recite the protective names; this will help you a lot.

There's no need to always sit and see visions. If you improve, you will see everywhere that you have improved. Your love, your intelligence, your creative ability, your integration with people, your understanding of all other things - that is when you progress. There's no need to sit there and wait for the light all the time. Maybe the light comes, but then you don't see it; you are busy snoring. Or the sound comes when you're snoring, but it's so loud that you cannot compare with it.

The world will continue to exist if we meditate more. Try to generate positive energy without even thinking of doing that. Do without doing; that's the best way.


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