by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Los Angeles, USA. March 12,1994 (Originally in English)
Video Clip: English ,Spanish
are many stories that are kind of like parables, reminding us about
life and all the funny things in life. For example, there is one story
about a dog who could catch mice. This book is a collection of the jokes
of the saints. Before, we heard non-saint stories; now we hear saint
stories, saints' jokes, the jokes of the saints, which are a little
bit dry, but that's what people expect of saints; always talking about
big philosophy and many parables about the cosmos, the microcosms, macrocosms,
and macaroni... So a saint can never laugh in public. Maybe he can laugh
alone; maybe the saint just buys this kind of book, a joke book, and
then sits in his bathroom and reads alone. And when he comes outside,
he says, "Emptiness is reality; reality is emptiness."
he is one of those kinds of people. After the saint has studied in his
bathroom and laughed his heart out, he comes out and talks about this
kind of thing. If you don't tell everyone else, I will continue to read
jokes to you, later.
story is about a dog who could catch mice. Now we have heard that only
cats can catch mice. How come this dog could catch mice?
knows? Please raise your hand. Now, don't laugh. You're not allowed
to laugh in such a "serious congregation." If you have the
least bit of "education," you don't laugh like that. Who knows
why the dog could catch mice? No? How come? You are supposed to be enlightened!
there was a country in China a long time ago. We'll call it the Chi
Dynasty. There was a person who could read the palms of dogs. In other
words, he was a dog palmist. His neighbors heard about his talent, so
they asked the dog palmist to go and buy a dog for them so that they
could catch mice.
year passed by. Then the dog palmist eventually bought a dog, brought
it to the neighbor, and said, "This is a German shepherd; it's
very good, a number one dog." So the neighbor thanked him and kept
the dog. Many years passed, and the neighbor people never saw the dog
catch any mice, not any mice at all, not even the hair of a mouse, and
it did not even look at a mouse.
they went to the dog palmist and asked him whether he had read the palms
wrongly, whether the dog was really a German shepherd or whether it
was a Beijing terrier. Then the dog palmist said, "No, no, no,
it's definitely, one hundred and twenty percent German shepherd. This
dog is sehr gut, muy bien (very good)! But, you must know, this dog
is trained to catch sheep or antelope; he does not want to catch mice."
And the neighbors said, "Then what shall we do? We just want a
dog who catches mice. We told you."
the palmist said, "Don't worry, just bind him in one corner, and
don't let him eat anything. Then if a mouse passes by, he will surely
catch it." And after that, the dog began to catch mice. Then afterwards,
even when they let him free, he also caught mice, because it was a habit.
is similar to the story of humans. We are normally from Heaven; we have
everything that we could ever want or not want, and we are almighty.
We are powerful, and glorious. Now, we come here into this physical
world and we are bound in this physical prison, this small room. Some
are bigger rooms, but, still ... my room is very small! (Master and
audience laugh.) Well, we are practitioners; we can only talk from personal
we catch mice. The mice in this world are money, fame, name, profit,
competition, you know, fighting, bickering, being bitter, and back biting
among each other - these are all mice. And pitifully, we enjoy them,
because we have been bound in these physical chains. And then we know
nothing else. We forget our origin; that's the way we live our life.
it's not a dog's life; it's just a parable. Some people do really live
a so-called "dog's life," because it's really miserable. We
work sometimes very hard. Some people work eighteen hours, if they have
a lot of children or they have a lot of debts to pay off. Or if they
had a kind of sickness or illness that suddenly left them bankrupt,
they might have to work hard day and night, just to pay for their two
or three meals a day and some clothes to cover their body. That's it.
we have really forgotten our real Self. It's very difficult to remember,
but you do remember now, a little bit, one by one, slowly. It takes
time, because now to stop the dog from catching mice is very difficult.
Before he wouldn't do it, but now he won't stop. Everything is like
a habit. So I think we should always remember, in the midst of all this
suffering and confusion, we should always
remember our own, real origin. Never give in to the negative
of this world that always wants us to think we are nothing, we
are sinful, we can never be anything, we can never do anything, and
we can never want anything
more than just a few morsels of food and a few pieces of clothing every
So this
is very good. I have nothing to say any more because the story is very