Cyber Age Journal








Master Goes Online

Master once said that in this modern age, a Buddha must hold a walkie-talkie and mobile phone in one hand, while handling a fax machine and surfing the Net with the other. As disciples of a modern Buddha, we cannot be "outdated Buddhas" in this respect! Let us learn how to go online and follow Master every step of the way on Her earthly journey.


Countless Advantages

The Supreme Master Ching Hai News has followed closely on the heels of the cyber age, changing from a traditional print periodical into an online multimedia magazine, accessible on the Internet 24 hours a day. Now, each issue of the News magazine focuses on a selected theme presented in a multimedia package of text, sound, and visual images specially integrated to bring Master close to readers. The Quan Yin Web sites provide immediate access to the latest news about the Quan Yin family, an extensive collection of Master's teachings, and a gallery of Her artistic creations. Also available are sound and video clips of Master telling stories, touching musical performances, and past celebrations that allow you to relive beautiful memories. Above all, the Quan Yin Web sites transcend both time and spatial constraints to bring you the News magazine online anytime and anywhere-a privilege unaffordable in the print format.

Efficient and Easy

Fellow practitioners wanting to learn this cyber method of accessing Master's teachings may be interested in obtaining the CD--"How to Surf the Internet/How to Get Online," a special News Group production that guides you through the basic techniques of linking and surfing the Net, enjoying audio and video programs, and downloading the News magazine. In this educational, user-friendly CD-ROM formatted like a comic book, Little Bodhi guides you through each simple step until you can travel the cyber world freely and easily!

Easy Surfing, Free CD-ROM

[Hsihu, Formosa]The News Group has produced a special CD to teach fellow practitioners important techniques for getting online in the cyber age. This CD is available free of charge while at the same time educational Internet classes are being held at the Hsihu Center and other local centers around Formosa in April of 2001. Fellow practitioners are elated and encouraged to know that Master is using the most rapid communication tool of our time to carry out God's will. They have demonstrated a keen interest and enthusiasm in mastering the techniques that will enable them to quickly access the latest spiritual information on the Quan Yin Web sites.

Fellow practitioners enthusiastically learn to get online by following the instructions in the specially prepared CD "How to Surf the Internet/How to Get Online."

The first Internet class was held at the Hsihu Center on the first Sunday of April. By noon of that day, the News Group service counter was crowded with young initiates eager to learn how to get online. As soon as the computers were hooked up, the youngsters sat down in an orderly fashion and started to learn seriously. Very soon, adults and even elderly fellow initiates joined in. It was obvious that all of the participants earnestly wanted to become proficient in using this modern tool that will help them progress faster on the spiritual path.

The free instructional CD proved to be very popular, as all copies were give away in no time! Each center in Formosa obtained a copy for additional duplication. Many fellow practitioners could hardly wait until group meditation time at their local centers to obtain the CD; they wanted to master the technique that very day, in line with the spirit of efficiency in the cyber age.

The CD offers detailed explanations and uses illustrations in lieu of text to make it easy to learn the process of getting online. Thanks to this special product, even fellow practitioners inexperienced in using the Internet now have no trouble traveling cyber space and following closely on the heels of the "Modern Buddha" as Her up-to-date disciples.