Quan Yin Method
Develops Potential Talents
The Book Circulation Office of the Hsinhua Center, Tainan is a popular attraction among fellow initiates and guests, who become fascinated by its sophisticated , warm atmosphere, and powerful, loving energy .
Our appreciation goes out to the entire work team, especially brother Wu, who humbly insisted that the beautiful venue was the result of Master's blessings. Brother Wu, a professional mechanic with no experience in interior design, was distressed to find Master's publications and artworks displayed in a disorderly fashion. He thought that, as spiritual practitioners of the Supreme Method, we should present Master's books and masterpieces in the most beautiful environment possible. With this mindset, brother Wu immediately began to work on designing the venue. It was Master's arrangement, he said, that gave him the opportunity to undertake this project, and that all his inspiration came from God. Every time he encountered a difficulty, he meditated and the inner message emerged naturally. He had no preset plans or blueprints for the layout and materials required for the venue, including the ceiling, lighting, and showcases, but depended solely on his own inner inspiration and intuition, and the outcome was surprisingly perfect! Brother Wu was convinced that he had reaped yet another harvest while following Master. It was a real-life testimonial to what Master once said: "Practicing the Quan Yin Method can develop our inner talents and potential."