spiritual practitioners have blessing power wherever they go. Fully
charged with their magnetic fields and loaded with merits, they enhance
the vibrations of things they touch and the ground they walk on. Sometimes,
people enjoy being near these practitioners, seeking a touch, taking
a look, or just offering them food; and they are changed from within.
for the Soul
milk or tonic we drink, and sometimes even the mineral water that contains
many minerals, does not appear to be nourishing. Our naked eye cannot
discern any minerals in the mineral water. It seems no different than
ordinary water, when it is actually very nourishing. While physical
substances contain physical nutrition, speech of a higher level or spiritual
nature carries spiritual blessings, too. Tangible things have tangible
power that ensures our physical well-being, but intangible things have
intangible power that nourishes our invisible body-our soul- and keeps
us mentally healthy.
physical things in this world contain only physical nutrition. But as
human beings, we are more than just this body. We have a spiritual nature
as well. Our thinking comes from this invisible spirit, whose existence
cannot be denied. We may say, "Today I am in high spirits or in
low spirits," or "I am spiritually drained." Everyone
knows that the spirit exists, but no one can describe it or pinpoint
its whereabouts.
we cannot say that spiritual practitioners have no blessing power. We
know that they do, which is why we feel very comfortable when we sometimes
come near highly spiritual and ethical people. If we have not been in
their proximity for a long period of time, we miss them very much. They
are the invisible food that nourishes our invisible spiritual body.
It is like watering plants. If we water their roots, they feel comfortable,
turn lush green, flourish, and bear many flowers and fruits. This is
because water contains many nutrients. Similarly, if we nourish our
spiritual body with the invisible water, it too will grow big and strong,
relax, and blossom.
from the Ganges River is definitely blessed, and these blessings become
attached to physical things. For instance, when we water a plant, water
permeates its roots and is transported to the cells of every little
leaf. The plant is nourished by the nutritious water. Similarly, spiritual
tonic can be absorbed by the cells of any physical body in its proximity.
The more tonic the body absorbs, the stronger and better it becomes.
And the more internal changes occur.
long as we water and fertilize a small plant, it will absorb everything,
and grow stronger, taller, more beautiful, and different. So will our
spiritual body. When we come close to such spiritual nutrition as the
magnetic field, morality, and love of great practitioners, our spiritual
bodies flourish and feel comfortable. This is unlike physical comfort,
for our physical bodies look the same, while our spiritual bodies feel
comfortable and relaxed because we have consumed spiritual food. Therefore,
a single spiritual practitioner can benefit many people.
World Needs Spiritual Food
river benefits many beings, including plants and vegetation. Sometimes
a river may flow underground, but it continues to nourish vast fields,
countless trees, fruit, minerals, and animals. Its influence reaches
far and wide. In the same way, we spiritual practitioners are blessed
with an invisible blessing power. It is so rich and nutritious that
anyone who comes near will benefit and develop very well. That is why
there are spiritual practitioners who develop their power life after
life in order to bless this world.
are many people doing different jobs in this world. Farmers plant crops;
road builders pave roads; drivers transport us to various destinations;
and spiritual practitioners bless people's souls and spirit. We all
have to work, but that does not mean that we should all be road builders
or farmers. Some people have misconceptions about this. They think that
everyone should be a farmer in order to help the world. But that just
helps the stomach, and leaves many other aspects without help. We need
different people for the many kinds of work; we need doctors, road builders,
train pilots, airplane pilots, mechanics, and most of all, farmers of
spiritual food. These are few in number. (Master laughs.) Many people
plant vegetables and fruit, but few plant spiritual food. Therefore,
we practice the Quan Yin Method, by which we plant this kind of food.
It is our responsibility.