Quan Yin Family


Dear Ray and Julie,

Well, we're all connected now and ready to communicate. How are you guys doing? It sounds like things are really good. This meditation is just amazing; things just happen, and I can feel Master's blessing. I try to keep up with three hours of practice every day, but sometimes I flake and then sometimes I just do double to catch up.

School over here keeps me busy. I made a documentary film the other week. I went to Washington, D. C. and filmed a huge protest; this was for film class. I spent the whole day editing it and finally finished it. They then showed some of the films in class, and when they showed mine the people loved it; they clapped so loud and carried on clapping, that I started getting embarrassed. Wow! I was so surprised and thrilled and I really started to realize that I did an awesome job and was congratulated by many students. I was thrilled and was worried about my ego and then remembered that it's the work of Master.

Master gives so much; even if I have trouble keeping up with meditation She is still there to help. Sometimes I see people and just want to hug them, but have to hold back. Sometimes I'll almost do it, but it's seen as a little bit strange, just all of a sudden, to hug someone you have just met.

In the amount of meditation that I do I feel the benefit. There is going to be a time in this life when I just want to practice full on; I feel this urge a lot. But there's also something holding me to technology. I think it's got something to do with helping others or showing others by means of communication through it.

Through the years of growing up the way I did, I feel that my ego is the size of a mountain in comparison to an ant; it couldn't get bigger. I fight it every day, because it gets in the way of everything. I am super lucky to know and believe what I do today, that there is nothing in life that can upset me, that everything happens for a reason, and when it does I thank Master.

I must go now.

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News No. 121