Dearest Master,
We wish You a very happy birthday and Mother's Day and many more to come!
It is strange not to be with You on an international retreat to celebrate Your birthday, as we have been so many times in the past (and to tell You the truth, most of us were hoping till the last moment that there would be a retreat!)
But we also understand that after the many lecture tours and retreats of 1999 and 2000 You felt like having a well-deserved rest, and also that you would like us to become more independent and not just to live from one retreat to the next (although that was really nice!)
We are trying to grow up, to become more useful to you, but please be patient and continue to help us make progress.
Even if it is a long time since we last saw You, You are with us all the time, You are in our hearts and we often feel You are very close by. It is a wonderful feeling.
Thank You for helping us so much, for looking after all of us, for being there for all of us all the time. Thank You for coming to this planet to show us the way Home.
Thank You for all Your understanding, for Your compassion and for all Your love!
Happy birthday, dearest Big Sister!
With all our love,
The Geneva Center