Master's Words



Real Video Clips with Subtitles: English, Aulacese, Indonesia, Spanish

Be careful about what you eat so that you do not contaminate yourself, and make the cells and the brain confused. This will consequently hinder your spiritual progress. It's not that God cares about what we eat, but if we poison our systems with intoxicating things or impure foods such as meat or animal products, then the cells of the body and the brain will also become contaminated and confused. And thus we will not be able to think clearly or sit calmly to find the source of happiness and wisdom.

We have to sit calmly. In both our sitting and daily activities, we must practice to be calmer and to focus more inwardly, so that we can contact the real source of our Godlike quality. From there, we can take care of every daily problem and pain, and make life happier. If we confuse our cells, brain, blood, and sentimental condition, we will also be confused. Then we cannot think straight anymore. When we sit in meditation, we will become very restless and agitated. Even if we sit well in meditation, our vision will be clouded with negative influences from the poisonous things that we have taken into our body. So it's not that God cares what we eat or I care what you eat, or that if you eat a little meat you go straight to hell. It's not true. It's just that if we want to be Godlike, we must take care that everything we do and everything we eat is pure so that we will become pure also.

Everything you eat here is purely vegetarian and very hygienic, because they use gloves and masks when cooking for you. Even if they carry some bacteria or cold virus, they will not impart it to you. But when you eat outside in other restaurants, of course, we cannot guarantee this. But you can recite the Holy Names to purify the food and offer it to God before you eat! This also minimizes a lot of infection for you.

I also do not care what you eat, but whatever you eat will affect your meditation, spiritual practice, mood, temperament, personality and your thinking about value of life. Everything hangs on that also. As long as we are in the material world, every material thing affects us; that's why we must carefully eat pure food-the food that has less karmic burden and less suffering-for our sake. Because animals fear death and cling to life, they suffer a lot. If they are forced to die prematurely for us, of course, their fear and hatred are retained in the flesh that we eat. That's why we also become aggressive, agitated, discontented, and sometimes violent, just like how the animals feel before they die.

Plants also have feelings, not really feelings, but reflex reactions, and not that much, either. Their lifespan also is not as long as that of animals. Their fear is not so intense. Besides, they can grow again. You can cut one branch of a tree and it will grow another two or three branches, sometimes. So if we cut some trees, it's all right, but plant three more. Or if we cut a branch, let it grow three more. It's okay. We don't worship nature. We use nature, but we also protect nature for our own sake. Human beings must always come first. Some very fanatic people say, "Okay, then we don't eat plants also, because they have life." I say, "Okay, then die." We don't worship fanaticism; we do everything in a middle way and very mild manner, just the same way we behave.

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