Panorama of Events

Report from
Midwestern and Eastern USA

Sharing Master's Teachings
and Elevating Souls

In the Spring of 2001, initiates and would-be
initiates were overjoyed with the unexpected news that Master would send a Quan Yin messenger to centers throughout the Midwestern and Eastern USA. Master's blessings once again flowed from state to state-Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, North Carolina, Michigan, and back to Virginia again-as a total of five initiation sessions and eight video seminars were held.

Video seminar in Pennsylvania

[Pennsylvania] On March 17, the Pennsylvania Center held a video seminar at the University of Pennsylvania International House in Philadelphia. Many enthusiastic citizens of the city braved bad weather to come to the seminar. After presenting Master's video lecture, we introduced the Quan Yin Method and the Convenient Method to the audience. Many guests showed great interest in Master's teachings and asked many relevant questions. The Quan Yin messenger answered each of the questions, and then imparted the Convenient Method. Thanks to the earnest assistance of fellow initiates, this Truth-sharing activity was accomplished successfully.

[Ohio] In Ohio, several Truth-aspirants were longing to receive initiation but had life situations that prevented them from traveling. Then, Master mercifully sent a Quan Yin messenger to the door of their center! On March 4, the day of the initiation, the Ohio Center became filled to capacity with people and God's power, as initiates and would-be initiates arrived from many locations in Ohio and neighboring states. After initiation, the new initiates were immediately transformed, becoming happier and more relaxed. While the Quan Yin messenger was in Ohio, we were able to hold group meditation sessions twice a day all week. During this time, many initiates said they learned to put down their worldly obligations to attend group meditation, because through group meditation, our lives become smoother and more meaningful.

[Indiana] Three video seminars were scheduled in Indiana. The night of the first seminar, one woman who came decided she was not interested right then, so she thanked us politely and left. What a surprise it was to see her again at the next seminar! She said that Master's transformation body had appeared to her at home and that she felt she had to come back. Not only did this lady attend the second video seminar, but she came to the third one as well, where she applied to learn the Convenient Method. Since that time, she has been a regular visitor to the Indiana Center, attending nearly all of the Convenient Method group meditation sessions.


Panorama of Events

* U.S.A.
* Argentina
* France
* South Africa
* Malaysia
* Formosa

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