Spoken by
Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Three-day Retreat Los Angeles, CA, USA
Dec. 18, 1998
(Originally in English)


Watching Video Clips with English, French, Aulacese, Spanish, Thai Subtitles.

I just hope you remember that whatever happens to you, you are greater than that. There is nothing in this world greater than us. Nothing in the whole universe is greater than ourselves. So don't let anything, whether good or bad, distract you from knowing yourself, that you are great. You will know it one day. And once you know it, nothing can make you lose it. Nobody can steal it from you-not even death, or the threat of violence, or power or danger-nothing can make you lose that. This is very important. Even though you are great by birth, you are great originally, it's just that you do not know it. And that's why we came here, to know.

There's nothing really that we should do in this world. Once you enter samadhi, the whole world even disappears. We are just the Light. We are just freedom. We are everything that is so beautiful, blissful and blessed. We are not the physical body at all; we don't even exist. The body doesn't even exist. Not even your neighbor's body exists. Not even the whole planet exists. So let's not worry about what happens to us or to this non-existing body, but find the real thing and be happy. Let's be simple and look forward to the time when we know ourselves as such: as God, as freedom, as the most beautiful, powerful thing that we could be. At that time we are not even "we." I don't know how to say it. It's such a beautiful feeling to be enlightened, to know that we are God and we are Light and we are freedom.

So let's put all our energy into worrying about that. Everything else just comes and goes. Even if today you are beautiful, tomorrow who knows? Anything could happen to this physical body. No one can be sure that at the time of death we remain beautiful, unless you die young in your sleep. A lot of things could happen to us. So the physical body is not a reliable thing; anything could happen. You drive a car, you walk on the street; even during sleep there can be all kinds of disasters-earthquakes, anything.

So let us not worry about what happens to us physically. Worry about getting enlightenment: quicker, deeper, and faster. Every day, that should be our problem. But because we already have the Quan Yin Method, there should not be any problem. If we continue practicing, just relaxingly, like a hobby every day for a couple of hours, the result is definite. It's absolute. There is no need to worry about it. Just like when you water the plant and fertilize it, it will grow.
