one morning, I got up as usual at half-past three to meditate. After
meditation, I was going to do some exercises in the gym, when suddenly
the Inner Master told me to clear the weeds in my front yard, which
were already higher than knee-level. I had cleared the weeds once earlier
this year, when the soil was still soft after the rainy season, and
it was a tough job. For the several months that followed, I had not
done anything to the yard, because it was not my favorite work. Whenever
I have time, the only thing on my mind is meditation.
I thought, "I must obey Master's instructions". However, I
didn't change clothes, and was not equipped with any utensils or gloves.
Nonetheless, I promptly dashed into the front yard, and soon was terrified
to note that the weeds, armed with thorns, had already grown so tall
and prosperous that all the other plants and flowers in the area that
needed to be taken care of looked dwarfed and subdued. I then attacked
the gigantic weeds, eyesores that were very tall and strong. Suddenly,
I noticed that I had to wrestle with these deep-rooted and thorny tough
guys with my bare hands. Obviously, they were going to make me suffer.
But, barely
had the thought crossed my mind when, without much effort, I had completely
uprooted a thorny weed that was higher than knee-level. It was incredibly
easy! According to my past experience, a spade was the only tool that
I could use to accomplish this job. I pulled out the weeds one after
another, and felt that the tall, strong ones were not firmly rooted,
while the young ones seemed to have no roots at all! In this way, my
poor old hands became invincible weapons. Initially, I had estimated
that I could only finish one-third of the task that morning. But unexpectedly,
I managed to finish the whole job under the morning sun, and without
sweating a bit. I had never worked so efficiently before! After finishing
the job, I checked my hands, found that they were virtually unscratched,
and felt very grateful for Master's meticulous encouragement and care.
In the few
months after the rainy season, I had been totally oblivious to the weeds
that had invaded my front yard, because I believed in the idea that
"meditation and exercise are more important than clearing the yard."
To me, the weeds were simply a temporary and harmless phenomenon, so
I tolerated their existence. Many people passed by waving their heads
in dismay and stealthily scoffing at the untidiness of the yard's owner.
Yet I continued to be undisturbed.
The same
also happens to our ego, preconceptions and bad habits. Despite the
fact that they have already created many obstacles for us, we remain
blind to them, or just tolerate them as being natural. Were it not for
our spiritual cultivation through the Quan Yin Method and the blessings
from Master, they would grow wildly and totally unchecked, just like
the weeds in my front yard.