English >
710 Celebrating Master's Birthday (Parts
1 & 2)
Special Program at Young Dong Center, Korea, May 14, 2000
711 The Hotel Called Life
Lecture in Fresno, California, U.S.A., June 23, 2001
<In English + Aulacese Subtitles>
686 The Reunion of Souls
Lecture in Auckland, New Zealand, April 27, 2000
691 Illusion Is a Reflection of Reality
Lecture in Manila, the Philippines, May 3, 2000
<In English + Singhalese Oral Translation
+ Aulacese Subtitles>
687 The Light Keeper
Lecture in Colombo, Sri Lanka, April 29, 2000
<In English + Malay Oral Translation
+ Aulacese Subtitles>
688 Love Is the True Essence of Life
Lecture in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 30, 2000
<In English + Nepali Oral Translation
+ Aulacese Subtitles>
689 Enlightenment and Ignorance
Lecture in Katmandu, Nepal, May 1, 2000
<In English + French Subtitles>
353 My Signature Is in Your Heart
Group Meditation in Washington D.C., U.S.A., April 15, 1993
608 The Methods of Spiritual Improvement
International Four-day Retreat (5),
Washington D.C., U.S.A., December 24-27, 1997
696 Freedom Beyond the Body and Mind
International Six-day Retreat at Young Dong Center, Korea,
May 9, 2000
<In English + Nepali Oral Translation
+ French Subtitles>
689 Enlightenment and Ignorance
Lecture in Katmandu, Nepal, May 1, 2000