Master Says



On the one hand, they say they are moral and ethical, and they know what they are doing; they respect spiritual standards, and they respect inside, like "In God we trust." But on the other hand, they do not recognize where true goodness lies. To talk about goodness is not enough. We have to have an enforced kind of togetherness, like in a group. And then we have to reinforce it every week or every day, until it becomes second nature. Because we have learned bad things all through our childhood until now. So if we don't keep cleaning it every day, or at least every week, we have no hope of ever becoming improved at all.

So the best thing is to teach from childhood. I think the best thing is for every country, government and leader to take our teachings, make them become national, and teach the children from childhood on, and then reinforce the teachings together every week in group meditation and learning by videos. Together we're strong, right?

That's why, when you are in group meditation, you improve. Because when everyone else sits quietly, you cannot not sit. If you want to talk to the person on the left, he has his eyes and his mouth closed, and he is somewhere else. And when you look to the right, that person also has his eyes, his mouth and his ears closed as well. He hears nothing. He doesn’t talk to you, he doesn’t listen, and he doesn’t look at you. So you have no choice but to sit like a "goodie" in the middle, force yourself to close your eyes and your mind, and then become a reluctant Buddha! You can become a reluctant Buddha as well. It’s better than nothing. A Buddha is a Buddha!

If they learn it in childhood, they will know it forever. They will take it to heart. Whatever we learned in childhood, we remember now; we cannot forget. All the incidents from childhood affect us our whole life. That's how many psychiatrists earn their money, because of all the people affected by their childhood circumstances who become disadvantaged, abnormal or very sick, frightened, discouraged or depressed. Most mental illness comes from these childhood impressions. If a child comes from a very happy family, he grows up a different person. If a child comes from a very hard-trained background, he grows up more able than a spoiled child. That's a fact, and everyone has known that for a long time now.

So you see, if our children are trained from childhood with this kind of pure discipline and logical, ethical conduct, then they know. Because their souls at that time are still very pure. Maybe we don't get 100 percent who become good. Maybe out of 100 children, we get only about 50 who become good. But that's already very good! Or 60 percent, 70 percent of them become good. Thirty percent of them may be bad, but they cannot be 100 percent bad. Maybe they are not as good as the other 60 percent or 70 percent, but they minimize their violent tempers. They minimize the inner urge to do bad things in society. They will be affected. So it is very, very useful, this kind of teaching. Because most of our children in different centers have become good. So that's what they told me. That's the feedback that I heard.

So I am very happy to do this job. Not only for you, but for your children and for their children as well, for future generations. Our teachings are very strong, and the power will still be carried on for the next several hundred years, after I die. (Applause) And after that, it's up to God's will and your children's children's children, whether they are strong enough to carry on our lineage. Otherwise, someone else will stand up, and then another lineage will continue. It's the same lineage, but it will spring up in a different place, that's all. So I do truly hope that all the nations will come and take our teachings to their countries. All the governments, all the leaders and all the parents will then accept this kind of pure teaching into their families, into their nations and into their organizations, and make this world become Heaven.

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