Pearls of Wisdom


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Virginia, U.S.A.,
February 17, 1991 (Originally in English)

It doesn't matter if we are right or wrong in war, it always creates misery for both parties. We understand that even our enemies have souls, sentiments, intelligence, compassion and understanding. It's just that we don't sit together and talk. We don't make friends. We're not supposed to make friends with our enemies, so we sometimes forget that they are also human like us. Therefore, it is easy to slay someone whom we do not think much of or whom we don't hold in high esteem.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Mexico City, Mexico, May 23, 1998 (Originally in English)

If the government, the leaders of this world understood the power of love, they would never make war. They would just use love to destroy their enemies in no time. Just love your enemy, and then they will surrender. They will drop all their weapons and come to you on their knees. That's why Jesus said, "Love your enemy." Loving our enemy is loving ourselves. Loving our enemy means bringing peace to ourselves.

Pearls of Wisdom
A Transcendental School
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