Vegetarian Houses Around the World


The Nature Vegetarian Restaurant (run by fellow initiate)
Address: Plaza Vannes, 7 (G.V.Ramon y Cajal, 36, dcha),
46007 Valencia, Spain
Tel: (34)96-3940141

Anitas Productos Vegetarianos y Dieteticos
Address: Oriente 1 Mz. 54 Lt. 17, Col.
Cuchilla del Tesoro, Mexico D.F., C.P. 07900
Tel: (52)5796-0565

Tienda de Nutricion Natural
Address: Victoria 670 pte. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
Tel: (52)124363 / Fax: (52)100768

For more information on vegetarian restaurants around the world, please visit:

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