the San Jose Relief Team, U.S.A. (Originally in English)
of the San Jose relief team participated in volunteer work in New York
City from September 17-20. What we saw at the World Trade Center disaster
scene was far worse than what was shown on television. Being there in
person, we could experience firsthand all that was happening around
us, and felt the emotions of the people in the area. The atmosphere
was extremely sad and depressing, so our booth was there to bring Master's
love and compassion to rescue workers and uplift their spirits.
Our food booths were the nearest to the site of the collapse. About
30 brothers and sisters worked at the scene along with three Quan Yin
messengers, operating in two 15-16-hour shifts per day. During the eight
days of our relief efforts at Ground Zero, initiates barely had time
to sleep. Each day, members of our organization worked round the clock
to prepare meals and serve food and drinks to relief workers in the
was amazing that just with our yellow vests, initiation ID cards, and
the simple emergency badges made by our group for the volunteer team,
we could pass through security checks and enter the sites to offer direct
help. Only designated personnel were allowed inside the site. It is
no wonder that at the beginning of our rescue relief project, Master
instructed all the relief volunteers to wear the yellow vest while doing
disaster work. We certainly believe that Master's blessings were the
main support facilitating our relief efforts at the disaster site.
a brother initiate, Kentucky, U.S.A. (Originally in English)
our trip to the National Salvation Army Headquarters in Arlington, Virginia
to hand over a donation check, we got lost! Speculations, ideas, and
differing opinions among us did little to relieve the anxiety of missing
our appointment. Then, surprisingly, a car passing by in the other direction
stopped. The driver rolled down his car window and asked if we needed
help. After knowing of our intentions, he pointed exactly at the building
we had been looking for.
all realized that life is mysterious from moment to moment. This coincidence
lightened our hearts in our moment of distress. Who else but our beloved
enlightened Master would have given us such a surprise gift to inform
us that She always takes care of Her disciples in any circumstances

a sister initiate, Missouri, USA
the afternoon of September 12, 2001, I left home and headed for the
New York Relief Center. With a deep desire to help with the World Trade
Center disaster relief work, I decided to drive to New York City. On
my way, at about 11:30 PM, my car was damaged by a huge rock that flew
from a construction site on the side of the road. I pulled over and
smelled gas. I called for help as a construction worker came to me at
just the right time and gave me a ride to a motel, since my car was
not in driveable condition.
next morning, I called a rental car company but there were no cars available.
I then phoned the New Jersey Center to inquire about the situation in
New York, and was informed that since many roads were closed, it was
hard for people to get to the New York Relief Center. When I heard this
news, I felt very frustrated and sad because I really wanted to go,
but could do nothing except take the bus home. I arrived home around
next morning, I got a phone call from a sister whom I had never met,
but who happened to be passing by my home (also the Missouri Center).
She was coming from Los Angles. As soon as she learned about the World
Trade Center disaster, she too wanted to help out and began driving
to New York because the airports were closed and she could not get a
flight. She said was coming to pick me up. She had originally wanted
to phone the Missouri Center the night before, but thought it was too
late, so she waited until about 5:30 the next morning. She thought that
if nobody answered, she would go directly to the New York Relief Center.
Usually I do not answer the phone when I meditate in the morning, but
that morning, I jumped up as soon as the phone rang. This was how the
sister and I got together to drive to the New York Relief Center.
I think back on all that happened, I cannot help but feel that Master
really knows and takes care of everything. We feel that it was our common
love and desire to help the victims that brought us together. We were
truly two hearts joining together in one mission of love. 
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