Master's Words

Don't always sit there and expect an experience. This is the worst experience that you can have. Because the expectation dampens the spontaneity, dampens your carefree spirit, and that in turn sometimes really obstructs the vision. Have you ever experienced that, when you sit in front of the television but you are so wrapped up in some problem you don't even see what's there? Or when you're reading some book--you're reading and reading, and you know the exact words, but you don't understand anything. You read it again and again, and still it doesn't register in your mind what the book or the letters are all about.

So, God is always right there. It's just that we are over-anxious, and also over-burdened with troubles. Be patient. That is the way you have to work through your life. That is your destined mission, to work through problems. That's how you earn your place in Heaven, working through them. And if you don't work this life, next time there is double interest. How terrible! That would be worse. It's true. Every time we come back again, the obstacles will be more manifold. That's why people are afraid of reincarnation, not because we have to be a human being again, but just that we have to face many more problems than the last reincarnation, until we work it all out. And really, without the Master's blessing, without Master power, we couldn't make it. With the past karma, the present karma, and the coming karma--ooh! (Master shakes Her head vigorously from side to side.)

Even if you think I don't have problems, I do. Every problem you have, I have-sometimes more intensely, or the problem is more intense. But we have to survive, so I have to pick myself up, and then continue my work. You think it's easy to be a Master. It's not true. I don't know about other masters; you can go ask them. I don't know. But for me, it's not easy. It's not a problem physically. It's an inside problem. You can't point it out, like, "Oh, it's my children," or "It's my work." I can't even point to what my problem is; it's just there. Sometimes it chokes me. Okay, we all have to struggle, but we can make it. We are making it! We will arrive.



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