Spirituality and Science

An Exclusive Interview with the MRT Inventor

In News No. 114, we published a report on the Magnetic Resonance Tester (MRT), a sophisticated machine that confirmed Master's complete enlightenment when Her hair was tested.

This report generated widespread interest among fellow initiates, and in response to the overwhelming requests for more information, we conducted an exclusive interview with Mr. Baek, the MRT's inventor and head of the MRT lab. The following are excerpts from the interview.

By the Korean News Group (Originally in Korean)

Interviewer: Could you please tell us about the MRT?

Baek: As I explained in our previous meeting, the human body has a magnetic field, also known as Chi or the aura. The MRT reads information in the human magnetic field, and its sensor detects precise data about life organisms up to very subtle vibrations. It can perform tests on anything that contains vibrational information on the human body, including hair, blood and urine . Therefore, the MRT is also known as the "chi information reading instrument."

I: How was this instrument invented?

Baek: I'm not an engineer, or a professional medical doctor. I'm just a spiritual practitioner, and have been practicing various spiritual methods for many years. After ten years of practice, I received inspiration for this instrument from the I-ching (Chinese Book of Changes). It suddenly dawned on me that the I-ching describes the universe as a digital 0/1 binary system, the only difference being that it uses the yin and yang (-, +) symbols.

I also discovered that energy studies had devoted much less attention to polarity than to dynamics and vibrations. Therefore, I began to contemplate the possibility of integrating waveforms and polarity into the analysis of information on life energies.

At the time, I knew nothing about engineering. But as people say, "Where there's a will, there's a way." I discussed my idea with some engineers and asked them to write an executable program for the functions I envisioned. I successfully invented this tester about five to six years ago, and it was released on the market about two years ago.

I: Please elaborate on the specific principles underlying the MRT's functions.

Baek: Before we discuss its functions, we must first understand two basic concepts: the body code (or hereditary nature) and the principles of the I-ching.

The MRT can detect the inherent vibrational polarity (-, +) patterns in the human body and its system. Each person has a unique set of polarity patterns, and these yin and yang combinations are known as the body code, which is an inherited and constant quality. A reading and analysis of the polarity patterns of a person's Chi energy will reveal his or her genetic information.

The concept of "reading polarity patterns" is based on the principles of the I-ching (i. e., the transformations of the hexagrams in the text during divination). Analyses can currently identify up to six levels and sixty-four classifications. The first stage or level of the analysis basically categorizes the human body as either yin or yang. At the second level, this yin or yang quality is classified into four patterns and further into eight patterns at the third level, sixteen at the fourth, and thirty-two at the fifth. This brings the total to sixty-four patterns at the sixth, or final level. In the I-ching, these patterns are known as the sixty-four hexagrams. Every human being corresponds to one of these sixty-four body codes. And the more comprehensive an analysis is, the more specific and accurate is the information obtained.

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