Spirituality and Science

I: You said that Master has a body code that enables immediate enlightenment.

Baek: Yes. I was very astonished when I tested Her body code. It was exceptionally pure and clear in every aspect. Because it was so clean and clear without any negative factors, I further analyzed Her non-polar resonance. It was amazingly perfect. The highest degree of non-polar resonance means that all of Her chakras are opened and that She is in a constant state of enlightenment.

But it doesn't mean that She has an exceptional body code. She is among the sixty-four patterns, each of which resonates to reveal certain information. Some categories, for example, are more likely to develop cancer, and some are more prone to suffer a stroke. There's also a category where the chakras are easily opened. I cannot provide the details of the test results, but Master corresponds to this type. So the body codes and degree of non-polar resonance are somewhat related, but totally different in concept. Body codes cannot be changed in one's lifetime because they are inherited genetic characteristics, but the level of the chakras can be developed and changed through spiritual practice.

Of course, deviation may occur when machines are used to measure enlightenment. However, I want to emphasize that this spiritual aspect, which was once invisible to material science, can now be demonstrated, thereby extending the entire field of science.

I: Thank you very much. What future prospects do you foresee for this machine?

Baek: The MRT is a very advanced piece of equipment compared to other instruments. But I heard Master say that there are similar but more advanced machines on the more highly developed planets. I have mentioned several flaws in this machine. In the future, of course, we'll try to develop more sophisticated and advanced machines, like those on other planets. Truly advanced science can keep pace with the development of spiritual knowledge.

I'm not a material scientist, but I consider myself a natural scientist, because I'm a practitioner. I'm very happy to have developed and to operate this equipment, for through these experiences, I have become more convinced of my spiritual realization. Basically, I believe that we don't invent things from nothing, but that we all came from enlightenment and already know everything. What remains for us to do is to remember our forgotten wisdom.



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