Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai's
Latest Videotapes


<In English + Chinese Subtitles>
664 The Law of Karma
Group Meditation at the Marriott Hotel,
New York, U.S.A., August 4, 1999

<In English + Korean Subtitles>
447 The Importance of Honest Living
Group Meditation in Bangkok, Thailand,
September 18, 1994

<In English>
711 The Hotel Called Life
Lecture in Fresno, California, U.S.A., June 23, 2001

714 Dogs Are Wonderful Beings
Group Meditation at the Florida Ashram, U.S.A., June 6, 2001

715 Practice in Silence and Humility
International Six-Day Retreat at the Young Dong Center, Korea, May 15-16, 2000

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