Shih, the inventor, was terrified. He immediately kneeled down and said,
"Please, please, no! It's a mistake; he's not real, he's not real;
let me prove it first!" And so he took out some of the screws,
and immediately the robot dropped dead and could not move anymore. Then
Yen Shih slowly took out the arms and legs, stomach and ears and everything.
He showed the king that inside it was all machining, not a real person.
And then the king also saw inside, that they had obviously painted the
wood or metal, into a heart and liver. Everything that was done was
just machinery. But it was so exactly like a person that even underneath
the skin of the robot there were arteries and veins like the circulation
system of a human body.
the inventor took everything out. And then he also took out the teeth,
the ears, the eyes and everything for the king to examine. And then
the king was kind of convinced. He told the inventor to take out the
heart of the robot and see what happened. And then the robot just shut
up; he could not speak anymore. He told the inventor to take out the
liver of the robot. Then the robot could not wink or see anymore. He
took out his kidneys, and the robot could not walk anymore. And the
king sighed in relief that after all, it was truly just a robot. His
anger subsided, his jealousy disappeared, and he forgave both of them.
then he shook his head in amazement and wonder, thinking, "How
can you try to replace God? How can you do the work of the Creator?
Are you in competition with Hirm?" Maybe. But of course the inventor
could not explain or say anything. Perhaps he was a great scientist.
So after that, the king told his subordinates to bring a truck, and
then they brought the robot and the inventor back to where they belonged.
before, the Chinese invented a machine that could go to the clouds.
They called it a "cloud elevator." Because they would use
it to go up to the clouds. It must have been the most primitive form
of airplane. It was already fantastic at that time, which was another,
different time. It was a different person, different place. And also,
another person invented the flying bird machine, which was an airplane
too, perhaps. Both inventors were thinking that their invention was
already top-class. But no one can even imagine that a person could invent
such a "real" robot that looked just like a human being. So
at that time, the robot was even better than those inventions of before,
the flying machine and the cloud elevator. Maybe they had the UFO before,
and the airplane. It looks like it, and also even the robot.
after these two persons who invented the flying machine bird and the
cloud elevator heard of this "person" robot, they began to
shut up. They dared not boast about their inventions anymore. So it
must have been in the same Warring Period.
heard that at that time, during this Warring Period of Chinese history,
many other funny and strange stories happened, like many strange personages
appeared. It seems that they appeared from another planet, like what
we call extraterrestrial aliens. Because they had a lot of weapons similar
to what we hear nowadays that the aliens used, like the laser weapon--that
froze people and made people paralyzed on the spot, or destroyed everything.
And at that time, during the Warring Period of China, they called these
people magicians. What they did was just like magic. They could create
all kinds of illusionary objects in the air that destroyed the enemy
with no other remedy for it. It looks like at that time we already had
Star Wars of some kind, so Star Wars might not have been fiction at
all. It might have been truth, or maybe at least contained some parts
of truth in it. Otherwise, how could people of three thousand years
ago in a remote area like China--at that time China, America and Europe
didn't really have contact--so how could they speak about the same thing?
that time, they didn't use ordinary weapons. The way they describe them,
they were just like guns or laser weapons, and extremely sophisticated
and powerful killing methods. At that time, the Chinese described them
as great magicians who came from high above, from Heaven, like in the
book of "Feng Shen Pang" (Honor List of Deification). It must
have been true somehow. This is described in Chinese history; it is
not fiction. So three thousand years ago, we already had what we have
today, and it might have even been much better.
I read some newspapers that said they have already discovered evidence
of the atom bomb three thousand years ago. Archaeologists have dug up
a site that had been buried under the earth, which was destroyed by
an atom bomb. The evidence of radioactive elements still left behind
has been tested, and they said it must have been an A-bomb. Maybe the
story in the Bible about Lot's wife coincides with this A-bomb of three
thousand years ago. So our planet at one time or another must have been
destroyed by us or by a war with other planets, due to some political
reason or different system of government. So perhaps there's nothing
new under the Sun, and perhaps we should not be at all proud of any
physical invention we happen to possess at the moment or we happen to
know of. Our ancestors already knew about it, and were much better,
much more sophisticated than we are now. But what did they do? What
did they use them for? Just to kill or destroy themselves, perhaps by
mistake, perhaps by the uncontrollable events of war. So you see, it's
for nothing good. The invention of a killing method or apparatus is
never of any use for mankind. Still, we don't learn; we are still warring
with each other at this time.