Can you imagine, if we do that consciously every day, how much more conscious we will be of the great Master power that is inside of us. We can accomplish more in life with less effort, and we of course will naturally be happier. When we sleep, we desire nothing and hate no one, because in sleep we are at the source of all wish fulfilling power. Similarly, if we consciously, while awake, get in touch with this power, then of course we are more conscious while doing things in this world. We have fewer and fewer desires and less and less hatred, should we even have any subtly residing hatred left in our hearts. This is only logical. There is nothing mystical about it, nothing difficult and nothing that we should argue about.
If we do something, of course we have to know the logic of it. We can't just blindly follow someone, some method or some theory, and then worship them as a guru or whatever. There¡¦s no need to worship anyone as a guru, since we are the Supreme Master. We have this Supreme Master inside, and we have to know it. That is the only thing to do.
If we only work and have no rest, of course then we become more restless. We become less efficient in our work because we get fed up with our boring, one-sided life. But if we work and rest at the same time, like most of our fellow practitioners do, then of course we'll be happier. Because two or three hours of meditation is equal to many months of rest. In that time of communion with God or the Supreme Master power, which is our original Self, we recharge all the energy that has been lost during the daytime, even more than when we sleep. When we sleep, we don't know anything. Of course when we sleep, we don't need to be meditating because we are already God-like or angel-like. The trouble is that when we awaken, everything starts again. Every hatred comes back toward us; every relationship starts to breed troubles or unhappiness. And then, because we are not sleeping at that time, we experience fully the consequences or the effects of all these happenings around us.
The only solution to deal with this is that we become consciously aware of that God presence or God power, which we are only unconsciously aware of while sleeping. Therefore, we meditate. Meditation is the answer. Meditation is sleeping while waking, sleeping without sleeping. And then we will find all the answers we need about life and death, about how to deal with our daily life, our family relationships and our financial business. We don't even fear the end of the world. We don't fear recession. We don't fear being without a job. Because at that time, we will know how to work according to the situation, without standing there and stamping our feet or waiting for something that is not in our share. We will be happy in all circumstances, and we will have resolution to deal with all the problems that face us every day. Many sicknesses and sorrows will just leave us. And all the worldly desires will also gradually say goodbye.
This is the only solution to every problem. The problem doesn't lie only in having unemployment or having a subway that is not yet built in Hawaii. The problem lies in our own discontentment; because we don't know what to do next when faced with new circumstances. And every day new circumstances come without our asking or without our welcome. So we have to know how to always be prepared and how to deal with them. We can know this with meditation. We can know every day, consciously or subconsciously, how to deal with every situation in life. And that's the key to happiness. That's why we will be happy and sure-footed. We will never feel disturbed or in want. In the Bible it says, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." That means we have no desires whatsoever once we know the Lord, or once we have the Lord as our shepherd. But we don't know the Lord. That's why we want.
We would like to offer you a technique to know the Lord. And that's it, a very simple and pure motive. We do that with our own finances, our own time, our own willingness and our love for you and for the world. We want to prevent the end of the world. We want to prevent wars and hatred between nations, between brothers and sisters. We want all of us, including myself, to live a heavenly life while we are here. That's the only reason that motivates us to come here.