Narrated by brother Wang, Mainland China,
Recorded by a Quan Yin messenger
Wang and his then eight-year-old daughter were initiated in August 1996.
In the years since, he has felt that it is the highest blessing to follow
Master on the spiritual path. He finds himself peaceful, elated, and
blissful all the time, and his wisdom has also increased unconsciously.
Even when he encounters unexpected incidents, he still remains calm
in his heart.
Wang recently recalled an incident that occurred shortly after his initiation.
One morning, he was preparing to go to work while his daughter was leaving
for school. Strangely, the little girl returned soon after she left
and said, "Dad, take care. Don't let anything happen!" Brother
Wang was quite puzzled and thought, "What could happen?" For
safety's sake, he took a routine check around his apartment and when
he got to the kitchen, he heard a squeaky sound coming from the gas
pipe leading to the stove. He checked it carefully and found that the
pipe had a break. Gas was leaking out continuously. "What an accident
there could have been!" he thought. If he had not found the leak
in time, an explosion might have been triggered if more and more gas
had accumulated in the kitchen and a fire had been lit or an electric
appliance turned on. It could have endangered not only his family but
also many neighbors, and the result would have been unimaginable! After
this incident, brother Wang asked his daughter, "Why did you say
what you did?" And she answered, "I had dreamed many times
of a fire breaking out in our apartment, but I dared not mention it
because they were inner experiences. However, I could not keep it to
myself anymore that day, so I reminded you."
Later, another
unexpected incident occurred in brother Wang's apartment. His daughter
was at home alone one day, when she heard a noise in the corridor and
thought it was a neighbor. She opened the door to take a look, and saw
a stranger coming out of a neighbor's apartment. The stranger saw her
and broke into their apartment at once. Holding a knife in his hand,
the robber asked her, "Where is the money?" and she answered,
"I don't know." The robber then ordered her to face the wall
and began searching the apartment. The little girl remained calm, without
fighting back, and even thought, "Take whatever you want!"
The robber
searched the apartment thoroughly but found no cash and nothing valuable
other than two gold necklaces. Before he left, the little sister said,
"Goodbye, uncle!" When the robber had gone, she ran to brother
Wang's working unit and reported the incident to him in a humorous way:
"Dad, a stranger paid us a visit just now and turned everything
in our apartment upside down!" Brother Wang rushed home and carefully
checked the apartment, only to find that both of Master's books and
his most cherished treasure placed under them had been left untouched.
He felt greatly relieved.
Later, the
robber was caught committing another crime. At his police inquiry, he
readily admitted robbing brother Wang's apartment. When the police asked
him why he had not hurt the little girl, he answered, "I only wanted
money. Besides, she called me 'uncle'!"
Wang said that he and his family will never forget how time and again
Master has warded off disaster for them! Her meticulous care and concern
are difficult to describe in human language.