Another week passed and the disciple was back again, "Master! I still cannot stand it! The floor is covered with animal dung, and the animals make so much noise all day long. I really cannot stand it anymore! Do you have any other solution?" The master again strolled back and forth, touching his beard, tapping his wisdom eye, and then said, "Oh! Go and take the sheep out, and it will be okay." The farmer followed his Master's instructions and went home and took the sheep out.

Two weeks later, he came back again with the same complaint: "We can't stand it any longer! How can we live like this? I listened to you, but I truly cannot stand it!" Again, the master tapped at his wisdom eye and said, "All right! Go home and chase the geese out." Again the man did as instructed, thinking that the problem had been solved.

However, he came back two weeks later with the same complaint, so his master said, "Then move the chickens and ducks out, too." And he did accordingly. However, two weeks later, he came back with another complaint. "Good grief! Now the two dogs fight with the cat all the time and chase it around everywhere. As soon as we lie down to sleep, they jump on our faces. It is really unbearable! What should we do?" The master said, "Then you might as well drive out the dogs and cat, too!" The disciple acted accordingly, and then he felt much better. (Master and everyone laugh.) (Applause) A month later, he brought some flowers and bananas to his Master, and said, "Master, you are always the best. Now all our siblings, uncles, grandparents, all of us are living in peace and harmony."

Whatever God gives us is always the best. If you complain about having three children and two husbands¡K. Oh! No! (Master and everyone laugh) If you complain that it is too much and you are too busy having one husband and three children, later God may give you several more! We ought to be contented with what we have. This world is only a playground for us, so do not be too serious. If you give it a thought, then you will feel the fun. With some organizing effort, your family will become much better. Meditate more and contemplate on it, then you will find the solution to your problem. Therefore, do not be nervous and do not complain. This is how our life is supposed to be, no matter how much we complain.

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