The Indiana Black Expo, is considered the largest event of its kind
in the United States, and this year, from July 19-21, it attracted
roughly 250,000 visitors from all parts of the country, especially
the Midwest. The event was held in a huge football stadium and the
Indiana Convention Center. Indiana initiates seized this opportunity
to spread the good news about the Quan Yin Method to the local African-American
community, as many sincere initiates from the Midwestern Centers of
Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky and Michigan attended,
and also participated in a two-day retreat at the Indiana Center from
July 20-21.
During the Expo, the initiates had many pleasant and
rewarding experiences. Among the event's many large exhibition halls,
one special pavilion was designated for booths under the category
"Inner Spirit," where the atmosphere was very peaceful and
serene. Master's booth was able to be doubled in size, due to some
unforeseen extra space available next to it free of charge.
addition, the Indianapolis public affairs program "Livin' for
the City" taped a special report at the Expo, and the show's
hostess, Ms. Green, featured various booths in short segments for
a broadcast aired on Sunday, July 21. Among the organizations interviewed
was The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association. And the
fellow practitioners present took this as a rare opportunity to share
Master's teachings via the local media! Ms. Green requested that the
Inner Spirit Pavilion, where the Association's booth was located,
along with the Quan Yin Method, be promoted during the interview.
An African-American sister from the Chicago Center
was chosen to be interviewed, and Ms. Green asked her, "Supreme
Master - isn't that putting her up there with God or Jesus?"
"Jesus said that ye are gods. Jesus also said, 'These works that
you see me do, you can do also, plus greater,' replied the sister,
having already explained contemplation on the inner Light, and other
topics. Then the sister added, "He was called, 'Master.' And
He also said, "Ye are full of Light. Our method of practice teaches
you how to see that Light and to be a master of yourself." These
remarks received a round of applause from those seated at the taping.
As the Expo was coming to a close on a warm Sunday
afternoon, many visitors stopped by our booth to obtain free literature
or purchase Master's publications. And after the exhibition, some
also came to learn the Convenient Method. Meanwhile, at the Indiana
Center, a group of initiates came out from their last meditation session
of the day to gather around the Center's television speaker and listen
to Master communicating live via the Internet in a videoconference
with initiates from Los Angeles and other areas. For everyone involved,
this was the perfect, ending to a fruitful and blessed weekend!