The weather changes constantly.
Sometimes it brings us discomfort. Sometimes it is fine, and we feel
cheerful, relaxed, happy and carefree. This is what we are like when
we practice well in spirituality and everything goes smoothly. We keep
our precepts clearly, we are stable in meditation and strong in our
faith; we have peace in our family and success in our work and business.
So we feel great. At that time we think that Master is blessing us,
or God and the Saints are helping us.
But sometimes we encounter difficulties
in spiritual cultivation, just as we feel uncomfortable when the cold,
wet winter sets in. We seem to waver in keeping our precepts and our
faith is not very strong. We seem to have regressed or come to a standstill
in our spiritual progress, and we feel very sad. That's the "winter
of spiritual practice." When we practice smoothly, we can call
it "spring" or "summer." There are seasonal differences
as in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and so there are similar differences
in our spiritual practice. We can't be the same every day. That's why
there are times when we err, want to quit, are reluctant to practice
or find no fun in practicing. We may feel depressed, but don't know
why. This is the character of the "winter of spiritual practice."
At this time we should quickly have tonics to nourish ourselves.
For instance, if we don't feel
well or strong in the winter when it's wet and cold, we can see a doctor
of Chinese medicine and take some tonics. Or we can eat more nourishing
food or an extra meal every day to build up enough physical power to
last until spring. In the spring we don't eat that much, and in the
summer we eat very little, but we feel very comfortable, and aren't
as tired or depressed as we are in the winter.
When our spirituality doesn't
progress smoothly, it's like the wintertime. But we'll get over it after
a while. When we're in the "winter of spiritual cultivation,"
we're likely to get confused, quit, or be cheated. We may feel dull,
make no progress or be reluctant to practice; or unsatisfying, obstructive
situations may arise. However, we should know that everything will be
all right after a while. At that time even if we make mistakes, regress
in our practice, or lose faith, we should just forgive ourselves. If
possible, we should quickly get some "tonics!" For example,
we can attend retreats, go to see Master and meet initiates more often,
go to group meditation more, read more of Master's books or listen to
Her tapes etc. All these are our "spiritual tonics." We'll
feel much better after taking them. And then we'll be able to continue
practicing until "spring" comes. During the springtime we'll
feel much better and won't need that much tonic.