As the years of spiritual
practice went by, I found that these visits to my parents were
a great tool for measuring my spiritual progress. I remembered
Master's advice: "Let them know that practicing the Quan
Yin Method is really good for you. If they see you're radiant
with love and energy and have passion for beauty, Virtue and Truth,
they'll know that the path we're following is the true path and
that it's very beneficial. There's no need to preach much but
instead just be an example." Without visiting my parents
regularly, how would they know about my progress? Each year, when
returning to my parents' home, I felt as if I had taken one more
step up the spiritual ladder: I had more peace in my heart, and
was noticeably less argumentative and more tolerant - with love
and understanding for my dad.
At every meal during our visits, I cooked
good vegetarian dishes for the family; even though there were
still meat dishes on the table. After a couple of years, I no
longer felt uncomfortable with having to share my parents' pots
and pans or use their cutlery and utensils. My conversations with
them also became more and more relaxed and down to earth, like
they had been before my initiation. Our family brought them love,
joy and happiness, more so than before our initiation. At each
yearly visit, they could see that my children were growing up,
looking healthy, tall, happy and beautiful, and they were very
However, my dad's chronic
hot temper was always there. While he tended daily to his ailing
mother, who was in her nineties, and a mentally ill son in his
early forties, he would take out his frustration on my mom. During
the years 2000 and 2001, my grandmother's physical condition and
my brother's mental state worsened. Grandma was approaching 100
years of age, and was becoming so weak that Dad had to tend to
her every need. And my brother was so mentally disturbed that
in addition to his strange behavior, he was becoming increasingly
disruptive and even destructive toward my father. Under this mounting
stress, my dad was physically and mentally exhausted.
Then one day, he called me
and asked, in an unusually soft voice, if there was any way that
I could help him through the difficult situation with my brother.
He was at the end of his rope, nearly broken down, and did not
know what to do. He was considering seeing a priest or monk or
some other type of spiritual person for help! It must have been
unbearable for such a man, who had been as stubborn and strong
in character as a tiger, to become subdued and weak like a lamb.
I was speechless. Because of his past objections to Master's teachings,
I wanted to find a way to tactfully introduce Master's guidance
into his life.
That day I wrote a letter
to comfort him and enclosed Master's Buddha Chanting CD. I asked
him to play the CD in the background 24 hours a day and to recite
Master's name whenever he felt the need. As desperate as he was,
he actually listened to my advice. The whole family, including
Grandma, listened to the chanting every day. Several weeks later,
my father told me, "Something seems to be working" and
said that he felt better. Over the next few months, I started
to send him tapes of Master's radio and TV programs and musical
entertainment. It worked miracles! Grandma, my brother and my
parents all benefited. My brother's mental state gradually became
more stable, and he showed no more disruptive behavior, as he
lived "at peace" in his own world, and my dad's formerly
uncontrollable temper was much more subdued. Even though my grandma's
hearing was getting worse, she could still listen to Master's
chanting every day and watch lively shows performed by Master's
disciples. With earnest hope and patience on my dad's part, the
darkness slowly faded away and light began to emerge. Several
months later, Grandma passed away peacefully during her sleep
while Master's chanting was playing to further bless her until
her burial. Since then my parents have switched to a completely
vegetarian diet and listen to Master's teachings aired weekly
on a local radio program broadcast by our fellow sisters and brothers
in San Jose.
This August, my family flew
home to pay my parents our yearly visit, and it was the most enjoyable
trip home I have ever had during my 21 years of marriage! To our
surprise, my dad showed us how well he could cook delicious, healthy
vegetarian meals and how he and my mother liked Master's radio
program. Our sons thought it was "impossible and unbelievable"
for their grandpa to change like that! Now the man my children
used to be afraid to visit is as sweet as anyone can be! And with
each phone call home, I hear a sense of peace and happiness in
his voice that never seemed to exist before.
Joy fills my heart whenever I think of this miracle,
and I am forever grateful for Master's loving power. There is
nothing that Master cannot do provided we allow Her to come into
our hearts.