by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa, August 11, 1991
(originally in Chinese) Videotape No. 187b
Practice Repairs
the Mind
after initiation you're liberated from birth and death, you still have
to practice spiritually. Because if your mind doesn't allow you to become
an enlightened saint, it will be difficult for you. Your mind will tell
you, "You, a saint? Don't be ridiculous!" Or others might
also say the same thing. Without self-confidence, it will be useless
being a saint of any kind. Even if you've become a saint, what purpose
could it serve? We still need to have a deportment that befits the superior
realms. Before we've become well-trained or practiced diligently, our
mind won't be convinced. It will assume that we're cheating, and refuse
to let us ascend. It's we who obstruct ourselves. So, we still have
to diligently practice spirituality to thoroughly convince our mind
and allow it to realize that we're now different, that we really befit
the status of an enlightened saint. Only then will it totally accept
this status, and we'll have no more problems.
cultivation is thus a process of repairing the mind. Life after life,
the mind records too many undesirable things and ensnares us with a
guilty conscience. That's why we have to train and rectify it, illuminate
it with Light every day, educate it and also brighten all our bodily
cells. Every single bodily cell is imprinted with all the good and bad
impressions, or karma, from many lifetimes. That's why sometimes people
only need to take a look at you or your body to be able to tell what
you did in previous lives or what you've done in this lifetime. It's
because each of our cells, each vibration of our bodies, distinctively
records all our actions, behaviors, thoughts and desires. We can't cheat
heard that after we die, when we go to see the Yama King (the King of
Hell), we'll see a mirror that shows the details of our entire life
as clearly as we watch television, except that it runs very quickly
and in a relaxed way. This is absolutely true. This is our personal
"video recording" function. Therefore, spiritual practitioners
can perceive and identify who is who, what they've done in previous
lives, what they're doing now, and what they'll do in the future. Our
personal record is encrypted in our bodies and in our mind, or in the
atmosphere around us. Each of us - whether we practice spiritually or
not - has such an aura. But the more we practice spiritually, the lesser
this aura will be.
Protective Power
by Continually Remembering Master
when we mingle with people in society, we definitely run into such an
atmosphere. The more we practice spiritually, the more sensitive we
become. Don't ever think that longer practice will strengthen your protective
power. It will, but your sensitivity will also increase many hundreds
and thousands of times. Do you think that Jesus Christ didn't suffer
when He was nailed to the Cross? He was in extreme agony! He felt greater
pain than others because His body was different than those of ordinary
people. He was highly sensitive, as all His bodily cells had changed
completely. In this world, such individuals are in great danger, are
very pitiful, very miserable and very helpless.
we do - good, bad, evil or charitable - will become attached to our
bodies and be distinctly recorded. Whether we're spiritual practitioners
or not, we can detect this if we know the secret method. So if we mingle
with people in society, inevitably we're sometimes contaminated by their
auras. Our blessed rewards fly onto their bodies, even if they don't
want them. When you have two pipes or barrels full of water, one at
a higher level than the other, the water will definitely flow from the
higher to the lower one. So if you want to protect yourselves, to close
off the water pipe, you should constantly recite the Holy Names. This
is the only way.
there's still some leakage because you forget that the Master is always
by your side. However, as soon as you seek help, you'll receive an immediate
response. If it's a matter of carelessness on your part, of course Master's
power will rescue you. But if you willingly do something bad, you do
it despite knowing that it's wrong, and you refuse to let me intervene,
then of course I can't help you! Don't blame me then. You'll continue
to sink lower. It doesn't matter if you forget about me, but don't refuse
me. Don't think that you're great and can solve all your problems by
yourself. No! No! No! This world isn't a place for fun. The positive
and negative forces are almost equally powerful. They're both aspects
of the power of the Universe, which anyone can use. It only depends
on where it's being applied. The negative force is also very powerful.
It's not something that we can play or have fun with. This is one aspect
of nature with which we should not casually meddle.