Way to Family Harmony
Group Meditation in Hsihu, Formosa,
October 8, 1995
the success or failure of our marriage have an impact on our spiritual
path? What should we do to let our spouse feel that he/she is loved
and respected? What can we do to protect our marriage and let both
parties grow toward Truth, goodness and beauty? What can we do to
save a failing marriage? Can we improve our marriage through the
power of spiritual practice? Why should spiritual practitioners
be financially independent? How can we appropriately take care of
our appearance to improve harmony in the family? In this DVD, “The
Way to Family Harmony,” Master uses a lighthearted and humorous
approach to teach us simple, fast and inexpensive ways to beautify
ourselves, as well as many fantastic means to keep our family life
harmonious and beautiful!
Four-day Retreat in Washington D.C., U.S.A.,
December 24-27, 1997
there any way that can help us to progress faster in our spiritual
practice? In this DVD, besides imparting to us very practical, secret
ways of spiritual progress, Master gives incisive answers to several
questions. For example: How should we overcome obstacles in meditation?
What is the relationship between love and spiritual practice? What
would be the result if we used spiritual power to gain benefits for
ourselves? Is it true that the more spiritually developed we become,
the more negative pressure we must endure in this world? Master’s
answers provide us fellow practitioners with guidelines through which
to examine our actions and speech so that we can progress further
in spiritual cultivation.
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