Every day I feel that God's grace keeps pouring out
more and more, and people are realizing more and more of this Godly
grace. And I am just so excited and so happy that I don't know how
to explain it to you. Sometimes I feel that I'm out of patience because
I work too slowly for Hiers commands. Hes wants to move faster. But
the body has limits, and a human's mind sometimes has limits about
understanding something that's almost like new such as God's grace,
even though it's not new at all.
If God says we're Hiers children, if the Buddha says
we all have the same Buddha Nature, why can we not become like them?
We must live a life of glory, a life of wisdom, a life of happiness,
a life of intelligence, a life of positive power. We must because
we are the children of God and we can do that. (Applause) Of course,
I will show you how. And it will cost us nothing now, later, between
and after, never cost you anything at all. Because the Kingdom of
God is yours. It's not that I give it to you so I cannot charge you
for the things you already have. And there's nothing you want that
Hes will not give to you. Hes will take care of the minor details
of your life, including waking you up when you're late. Really! During
this hectic schedule, Hes takes care of me in such detail that I sometimes
cry. I always go into a strange country almost for the first time,
and don't know how to go anywhere; Hes always puts me in a good hotel
and puts me next to a Chinese restaurant, Aulacese restaurant, shop
or whatever so that I have everything I need. Otherwise I would probably
go hungry.
Every day, miracles happen in our lives once we reconnect
ourselves with God. All we have to do is just sit there and try to
listen to what Hes says. That's all we have to do. That's why we call
it meditation, silent praying in the closet or contemplating on God
-- whatever you want to call it. It's just a silent communication
with God so that we know what to do with our lives. After that, we
never worry about anything because we know that God takes care of
us in every way. Before that, even when things all go smoothly, we
still worry that they might go wrong afterwards.
But when something goes wrong now, we wait and see
because we know that later God will bring us somewhere else we're
supposed to be, and we know that's why things went wrong in the first
place. So we live in peace, in security and in the immense love of
God every second of our lives, awake or asleep. Because we have made
the choice to leave this coarse, gross or rough level of energy behind
us and we have made the choice to ascend to a higher level of life
that exists at the same time, and to take the goodness from that higher
Before now, if we were not connected with God, our
only choice was this material energy of existence. That's why even
though we try our best every day, we often fail in our endeavors,
and we often feel unhappy. Because the material energy on this planet
is heavy and always gives us pressure. But after the reconnection,
we can go higher and higher, and then we can be clearer. We know the
wisdom of God, and we can take care of things better when we come
back down again. That's why the Bible mentions that Heaven is within
you. It means that when we quiet down and disconnect ourselves from
this material world for a while, we can find something else that exists
within us.
That doesn't mean within our body; it's just another
world within this material world, which is much better and much happier.
We can always go up and come down. We can live in this world and also
enjoy Heaven at the same time, or at least sometimes during the day
and then later continuously when we're more adept. That's how we become
holy because we have everything, and then we won't want anything.
Then we will know that The Lord is my shepherd; I shall never want.
Because there is great contentment, great peace and great blessing
after we're reconnected with our Father. At that time we may have
money but we're not attached to money. We have everything that God
gives us for comfort, but we can even throw that away if necessary.
But God would not want us to do that. God wants us to enjoy this material
life as well as the Heavenly life at the same time. We have both worlds
in our hands.
When I began to seek God and then began to know Hirm,
I renounced everything because I didn't feel I needed anything anymore
except our Father. I was so happy to have Hirm that I didn't want
anything else! But then God wanted to give me so many things - everything
that I ever wanted, or didn't even want. And so I said, "Why? I don't
need them."
I said, "My Lord, I can go without food, I can go
without drink and I can go without any comfort. If I can only see
You every day, what else could I want?" At that time I ate only one
meal a day and had only three pairs of clothes and a sleeping bag
to take wherever I went. But God said to me, "No. You have to change.
You have to show the world that I give you everything. You have to
set an example of the glory in Heaven as well as on Earth; so the
people who see you will see that I am a generous Father and that I
am the Father who takes care of all my children so they will have
I was a little reluctant, but of course I said, "OK,
Father, all right. Whatever you say, I will do it." So Hes has been
giving and giving and blessing me in abundance ever since. I can not
even use up all the things Hes gives to me. I'm so happy that I can
share with other people whatever I have. And I think our Father is
right: I should have money. Nowadays everything is very progressed
and scientific. Suppose I wanted to come to see you, I would need
to buy a ticket, but I wouldn't want to ask for it from you. I should
buy it myself; that's very good.
God has given us and our planet greatly progressive
procedures and timing. And we have to update ourselves, with Hiers
grace so we live according to the times on this progressive Earth.
To be able to use all of these new inventions and comforts that God
has bestowed upon us, we also need sufficient material. Then we can
make use of all the new scientific discoveries to relay God's message
to our brothers and sisters.