On September 1, 2003, a fascinating
article appeared in the Los Angeles Times entitled “A Change
of Heart about Animals” by Jeremy Rifkin, who cites numerous examples
of recent scientific experiments to discover whether animals have so-called
human qualities such as emotions and the ability to learn. These studies
have shown that, just like human beings, animals do in fact have feelings
and are intelligent, sensitive creatures.
An especially interesting fact presented in the article
is that fast-food chains such as McDonalds, Burger King and KFC often
sponsor these studies. As the author states, “Pressured by animal
rights activists and by growing public support for the humane treatment
of animals, these companies have financed research into, among other
things, the emotional, mental and behavioral states of our fellow creatures.”
For example, McDonalds funded a Purdue University
study on the social behavior of pigs. The researchers found that pigs
really crave affection and attention and that denying them the chance
to play with each other can easily lead to depression. The research
also found that the lack of emotional and mental interaction can cause
the animals’ health to decline.
As a result of such studies, the European Union has
made it illegal, beginning in 2012, to isolate pigs in stalls. The German
government has also taken these findings seriously and has begun encouraging
farmers to give each of their pigs twenty seconds of human interaction
per day. Germany is also the first nation to guarantee animal rights
in its constitution.
Other research cited in the article suggests that
animals, like humans, have well developed learning abilities. For example,
Koko, a 300-pound female gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Woodside,
California, has learned sign language. She knows 1000 signs, understands
several thousand English words and scores between 70 and 95 on human
IQ tests!
In another amazing finding, elephants were observed standing next to
a deceased relative for days and also occasionally touching it with
their trunks, thus dispelling the myth that animals do not mourn for
their dead.
These studies and the subsequent humane actions taken
by governments around the world show that the compassion of humankind
is growing to encompass the rights and welfare of animals — a
positive step in the world’s evolution toward a higher level of