by sister-initiate
Vicki White, Orlando, Florida, USA
in English)
Below is a synopsis of an article from the December
25, 2003 edition of the Sarasota Herald Tribune, Florida, USA. Florida
initiates are delighted to see that so many prisoners in their state
have become interested in spiritual growth, and that the local government
is supporting the inmates’ desire to know God in a deeper way.
On Wednesday, December 24, 2003, Florida’s Governor
Jeb Bush dedicated the USA’s first faith-based prison, Lawtey
Correctional Institution in Lawtey, Florida. The purpose of making
Lawtey a faith-based institution is to provide a nurturing environment
where prisoners can dedicate more time to their faith and spiritual
growth. Before the faith-based program was begun, inmates were given
the option to transfer to another prison if they chose, and prisoners
from other correctional institutions in Florida were given the option
to transfer to Lawtey. So the prisoners at Lawtey are now there because
they chose to be there. Prisoners must stay out of trouble for at
least a year to transfer to Lawtey, and will be transferred out if
they have discipline problems.
The 791 prisoner at Lawtey represent 26 faiths. The
Prison currently has 500 volunteers who help with religious instruction
and serve as mentors, and Prison officials are seeking nother 500
volunteers. Department of Corrections Secretary James Crosby Jr. states,
“We’ve developed a cocoon, a place where they can practice
their faith and not have the severe negative pressures and interactions
that naturally take place in some of our institutions. It gives them
an environment in which to have a chance.”
more details, please click
Lone in action:Report
from Florida, USA
Won Do Min Ilbo, December 8, 2003 (Page 15)
(Originally in Korean)
Have a Warm Winter!

The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Donates Briquettes to Residents of Cheolam-dong
Members of The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association wished
a warm winter to local flood victims as they spread their love by donating
heating briquettes to the residents of Cheolam-dong, whose homes suffered
flood damage in September of this year.
Twice in September 2003 members of the Association
from Moseo-myun, Sangju City, Kyungbuk Province visited the region and
provided bedclothes, clothing, daily necessities and other items valued
at about 10 million Won (approx. US$9,090).
Recently they again visited the district, this time
supplying 200 briquettes to each of 171 households in Cheolam. The total
value of the briquettes was 8.55 million Won (approx. US$7,772). Taebaek
city officers joined with the members in distributing the fuel. Significantly,
most of these households consist of underprivileged or elderly citizens
living alone. So the supply of briquettes was a precious gift for the
In expressing his gratitude for the supplies, Chief
of the Cheolam-dong Bureau Jang Gyung-Hee said, “Our residents
have difficulty surviving mainly in the cold weather so even one briquette
is a great benefit to them. I feel very grateful to The Supreme Master
Ching Hai for already having helped us three times. I can feel the love
of our neighbors since the briquette providers are increasing during
the winter season.”
Lone in action:
Report from Youngdong, Korea