Our fellow practitioners do business
honestly. They’re very frank, proper and upright in everything
they do. Also, they don’t kill animals because they want to preserve
lives. We observe a vegetarian diet in order to extend our love to all
beings, not just humans. If everyone could be like our fellow practitioners,
there would be no more war. So, our spiritual cultivation really yields
benefits. Of course, the invisible forces, the intangible miraculous
powers, are known only to our fellow initiates. If we revealed them
to outsiders, they would sound like fairytales; people would be skeptical.
That’s why I say, “Don’t talk about them with outsiders;
only with our fellow initiates.”
In the past few years, I’ve really been touched
by your love and support. Of course, I seldom praise you or express
my appreciation, but I believe you all know what I think. It’s
enough for us to understand each other even though we seldom express
it. We’re different than worldly people in that we refrain from
praising each other a lot. Instead, we point out and help to rectify
each other’s shortcomings and imperfections. Only this is important.
Progress Knows No Bounds
It takes more than a year or two to truly understand
Truth, goodness and beauty. There’s no end to achieving the infinite
wisdom of God. No one can claim that he’s comprehended the whole
because that would mean it’s limited. An ocean, however vast,
has an opposite shore. But we can never completely grasp God’s
wisdom and the energy of the Universe. We can’t say that we’ve
learned enough or that it’s enough to practice spiritually, observe
a vegetarian diet and meditate each day. It’s never enough! Even
now, I’m still refining myself, every single day!
If we claim that we’ve realized it all, we’re
looking down on God. The universe is so immense that no individual can
ever come to understand everything! However, when someone has attained
the ultimate Truth, we say that he’s reached Anuttara Samyak
Sambodya for he has entered that level. But there’s no boundary
or specific position related to this level. Hence, don’t imagine
that it ends with the attainment of Buddhahood. It’s just that,
after becoming a Buddha, it becomes easier and more convenient for us
to comprehend; it’s less difficult than before. For instance,
after we graduate from the university, learning becomes more convenient
because we have personal experience and we aren’t subject to teachers’
restraints. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve gained knowledge
of everything in the whole world.
Our disciples reach the level of non-regressing Bodhisattvas
when they’re initiated, and they’re entitled to continue
learning, become great individuals and be as great as Shakyamuni Buddha
or Jesus Christ. In fact, many of our fellow initiates are almost as
great as They are. However, this world doesn’t need very many
Jesus Christs and Shakyamuni Buddhas so please just practice in peace
and silence. Don’t let others know, or other planets will come
to borrow you and take you away. Other planets may not have any Buddhas
so they might borrow my disciples! Should they really want to do that,
they’d have to send dozens of UFOs for you! They’d also
need to offer me a few UFOs to facilitate my preaching work. Only then
would I lend you to them. (Master and everyone laugh.)
Share the Good News
about the Truth
So I’ll do what’s good for the world,
whether it means preaching overseas or staying in one country. The essential
point is that our infinite power will fill the whole world. The Master
isn’t simply this flesh, nor are you. We’re truly very great,
but very few people know it. Every day, there are people in the world
who worship mountains, rivers, deities, ghosts, wood or rocks, and gain
nothing but degradation. However, we have to be patient; we’re
all in the process of educating ourselves. All we should do is tell
them the good news. It’s good if they choose to walk with us;
if not, it’s all right too.
However, we really have to progress for the good
of the whole world. Look at the few countries that have chosen the path
of regression and see how they suffer! If we make a wrong choice our
whole life is wasted and sometimes it’s too late to change. Also,
the economy or vital strength of the country is debilitated. A wrong
move pushes us back tens or even hundreds of years. So, of course we
should choose the path of progress!
Even after we’ve been initiated into a very
good method, we still need to retrospect every day to see if we’re
making progress. If we’re not, we need to improve quickly. Otherwise,
it will be of little benefit. After practicing spiritually, we should
use our wisdom and might every day. Otherwise, it’ll rust, and
we’ll possess it as if we didn’t possess it and it’ll
be wasted. If we don’t share with others what we’ve realized
through enlightenment, we won’t know that we have such great spiritual
Sometimes fellow practitioners tell me stories, saying
that when people ask them questions or when they talk with non-initiates,
they can suddenly speak very fluently, the way I do. This is all because
you’re utilizing your wisdom at that time. If you haven’t
encountered such an opportunity, you can’t make use of it and
you’ll think that you have no wisdom. So the more we employ our
wisdom, the more we recognize it. The more we share the good news with
other people, the more fulfilled our merits will become. Should you
think that you’ve made no progress or received no benefits in
your spiritual cultivation, quickly join in the preaching work (Master
laughs), and strive diligently to share our teachings. Then you’ll
know immediately whether you’ve gained any wisdom or made any
progress. .....Previous