Old Farmer’s Auspicious
by a fellow initiate from
Mainland China (originally in Chinese)
In early 2000, an elderly brother who lives in the
countryside of Hebei Province met a natural psychic and vegetarian
practitioner who told him, “You will visit your Master several
months from now.” And the brother replied, “But I’m
just an old farmer who has never been abroad, and I don’t have
the money to make such a trip.” The psychic then said, “When
it’s time, you will receive financial support to see your Master.”
Before long, news spread in Mainland China about a
retreat in Korea, and enthusiastic fellow initiates in Beijing supported
the brother financially without being asked to do so. In addition,
the initiates helped the brother and his wife, who was also an initiate,
complete the formal travel arrangements. The couple became the only
practitioners in their locality who were able to make the trip to
see Master.
At the end of the retreat, the brother received an
extra package of blessed food. When he arrived home, he found over
a hundred local initiates waiting sincerely and eagerly to hear news
about Master and the retreat. He understood then that the blessed
food had been prepared for these longing souls!