Q:I feel that I try to do my best in the world and pursue my vision, but many times it’s easy to get lost. And sometimes I find myself doubting whether I’m doing the right thing. Will the Quan Yin Method help me get guidance from my true Master at any time so that I can have a better guide for how to live my life and make decisions on a practical level as well?

M: Yes, definitely. That’s what the Method is for. It’s to know yourself, to be sure about what you want in life and what you have to do here. But it doesn’t happen overnight, of course. That’s why we have to meditate and invest some time every day because we forget again. Sometimes you have an enlightened vision, and then after meditation you forget all about it; it’s just like a dream. So we have to do it again and again.

And every day, the more we meditate, the more surefooted we’ll be about everything we do in life. That’s for sure. Otherwise, what’s the use of spending our time, if we’re still unsure like we were before? So, it will definitely help. Ask the people who do: See how they feel better about their lives. Everything is smooth.

Of course, because you spend more time communicating with God, you get wiser; you have more inspiration and more intuition from a clear state of mind. When you clear out everything else, you just communicate with God. Then everything is clear to you.

Q: Does bad karma stop the development of enlightenment in any way?

M: It doesn’t stop it altogether; it just stops it a lot. But you can also change bad karma. After enlightenment or after initiation, the real Master will erase the past karma for you and leave only the present karma alone. Because if everything is erased, we can’t live anymore in this world and we have no excuse to exist. By leaving the present karma for this life to continue, we still have the good and bad karma included in it.

So I can’t tell you that all the bad karma will be erased. But by following the discipline and the vegetarian diet, which minimizes all future karma, our life will become smoother. We’ll have to deal only with our existing but not our newborn karma. So we won’t be reborn again as a suffering being but as an enlightened Saint if we wish to be reborn again in this physical world. And if we don’t wish to, we can stay in a more elevated spiritual world as a teacher or simply as a citizen of the universe, but enlightened and happy.

Bad and good karma exist because we’ve sown them in previous lives. But we can never destroy stored karma without a living Master’s help. That’s the law of God. That’s what the grace of God gives us through the Master, to be authorized to take care of the stored karma and burn it up so that the Truth seeker will be more light-weight in order to go on the road because it’s very difficult.

It’s very difficult to work in this world and be spiritually aware as well. That’s not even talking about the stored karma waiting. And if the stored karma isn’t destroyed, the person still has to come back. Because what he paid is just this present lifetime’s karma, which is already fixed. The stored karma hasn’t been destroyed. And after paying for this, he has to pay for another one. So the Master will have to destroy the karma that’s in storage and only leave a little for this present lifetime.

But this is easy. And the more we meditate, the more we communicate with God, the more we know how to handle even bad karma. We don’t feel the burden so much anymore because we’re stronger. It’s just like having more resistance; then even if we’re down with the flu or something, we won’t die. We don’t feel so weak. We might get sick, but we recover quickly. ... Previous Question


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