the 2002 silent Christmas retreat in Florida with our beloved Supreme
Master Ching Hai, centers around the world have received numerous batches
of good news from Her about the elevation of human consciousness in
2003. Accordingly, Montreal initiates would like to address their most
heartfelt thanks to Master as they are proud to be guided by Her Heavenly
Teachings, and to walk hand-in-hand with countless other beings into
the Golden Age.
the opportunity to purify themselves and progress spiritually, Montreal
practitioners commemorated this significant transformation with a retreat
from December 24 to 26, 2003. The initiates also celebrated the wonderful
period of Christmas with family members, beloved friends and Convenient
Method practitioners, inviting them to join them for an activity at
the Center on an extraordinarily beautiful and sunny Sunday afternoon.
on December 27, the fellow initiates traveled by car through Metropolitan
Montreal and on foot along the metro lines in and around the city, distributing
specially prepared vegetarian sandwiches to people living in the streets.
At the end of the day, the practitioners concluded their food distribution
at the House Eugenie-Bernier, an institution devoted to caring for the
homeless. A beneficiary at the facility named Edward Gascon told the
initiates, “I feel that you’re God’s representatives,”
and then tears suddenly fell from his eyes.
In light of the changes brought about in humankind’s
spiritual level in 2003, initiates in Montreal as well as in other parts
of the world have all held unusually successful public video seminars,
where many attendees have learned the Convenient Method. Furthermore,
any time initiates speak about spiritual matters and meditation on the
street, at the office, on the bus or in the metro, people seem more
open and attentive, and can feel Master’s vibration instantly
either through Her music or Her videotapes. Thus a great change is undoubtedly
taking place on a planetary scale. As Master said a few years ago, “We
are stepping into the Golden Age,” and from all appearances, Her
words have become a reality. What a blessing it is to have a real living
Master on Earth. Thank You, Master, for making our dreams come true.
“I don’t know why I feel so excited
this Christmas!” a local sister initiate joyously said. But the
answer was easy to find as it was indeed a very special time, and on
December 21, 2003 a celebration to merit its unique nature was held
at the Toronto Center. Through the “magic touch” of fellow
initiates prior to the event, the Center took on a brand new look! The
place was lit up by beautiful, vibrant Christmas decorations, and more
wonderfully, by the initiates’ joyful spirits.
Toronto initiates began the celebration after their
regular Sunday group meditation session. Families and friends of the
practitioners were invited to join in a potluck lunch, and accompanied
by cheerful Christmas songs broadcast by a local radio station, they
enjoyed delicious vegetarian food and desserts together with the initiates.
Each child also brought a gift to be exchanged with others. A non-initiate
mother who attended commented that she felt very happy that her daughter
had gathered with other children at the Center, highlighting the fact
that it was truly an unforgettable Christmas.
Through Master’s grace, Heaven on Earth has
finally arrived, and countless living saints now walk among us.