Within the physical and spiritual realms exist countless cycles, forms and symbols that may be considered in relation to an ever-expanding pattern of which they are a part. For example, in the physical world, upon observing a pine needle, we can see that it is long and slender. And if we stand back and observe the entire tree of which the needle is a part (see picture 1), we notice that the tree is also long and slender. This mirroring of shape and pattern represents what has come to be known in the physical sciences as a fractal. Another example of a fractal may be seen in a spiral, whose shape is repeated in the formation of wider and wider curves (see picture 2).

The same principle applies to other natural phenomena such as ocean waves, various kinds of trees and even planetary systems. Our solar system, for example, is made up of many planets, all similarly shaped and all orbiting the Sun, which itself is many times larger and heavier than its surrounding planets (see picture 3). This same relationship may be observed in the nucleus and surrounding electrons within an atom. And these subatomic particles are in turn made up of spinning sub-particles. It is thus easy to perceive this “fractal echoing” of our solar system at all levels of the universe.

(Picture 1)
(Picture 2)
(Picture 3)


On a spiritual level, the fractal metaphor can be extended to the patterns of similarity between the greatness of God and what we discover when we reconnect with the God within. These patterns become more apparent the more we practice the Quan Yin Method, which helps us to realize that we are all “fractal representations” of the great Sound Stream, the “Word” that is God. And although no two individual shapes or expressions of the Sound are exactly alike, we each resonate with the unmistakable echo of our Source.

It is also clear that the birth of a living Master on Earth signals the beginning of a larger cycle of cleansing and rebirth. Not only are we given a chance through initiation to expand our own fractal universe by re-uniting ourselves with the Source, but the entire planet can also benefit from the Master’s presence. This tremendous opportunity is available to all sentient beings while the Master exists in the physical form.

During the Christmas season, the world remembers the birth of Jesus Christ, a past Master whose Earthly life was brief but whose work marked a new beginning in His era and for many generations to come. Similarly, we can use this season to declare our own new beginnings. In renewing ourselves, we have a chance to let go of the old and to realign ourselves with the “fractal pattern” of the God within. In choosing to cleanse ourselves for the good of humanity, we focus on raising our own level of consciousness and in turn that of humanity as a whole.

This Christmas, we give infinite thanks to our beloved Master for giving us the opportunity to practice the Quan Yin Method, and for the boundless blessings She has bestowed on humanity. As our living Master and perhaps the greatest living Master of all time, She is a true embodiment of God. Her gift to this world, of bestowing God’s love in countless ways, makes each day a true Christmas.

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