Elevation of the Soul

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s
Latest DVDs

718 Love is Always Good
Group Meditation at the Florida Center,
U.S.A., June 7, 2001
<Spoken in English, with subtitles in 23-languages>

Summary: Master explains why local group meditation centers exist, and reminds fellow initiates to inwardly seek the Kingdom of God while living their lives rather than clinging to the idea of becoming a resident and thus being overly dependent on a center or ashram. She also addresses the following questions. How are children created in the higher spiritual dimensions? How different is it in the physical world? How should we view marital relationships, and unmarried mothers and their children from the spiritual perspective? In addition, Master reminds us that we should welcome every newborn soul with love, honor, care and joy so that it will develop into a useful person and a spiritual being.


642 Divine Love is the Only True Love
International Three-day Retreat, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A., December 18, 1998
<Spoken in English, with Chinese subtitles>

Summary: Master emphasizes that not a single Quan Yin practitioner on this planet can fail to see the inner Light so fellow initiates should never give up on meditation. Even if you don’t see the Light today, you may see It tomorrow. She also discusses how to distinguish between true and illusory spiritual experiences, and how to achieve a balance between our free will and God’s will. Finally, Master gives a penetrating exposition on the profound effects and benefits of “positive thinking” with respect to spiritual practice and daily life.


Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Latest CDs

CD-EG150 Simple Living (DVD#738)
Group Meditation at the Florida Center, U.S.A., April 26/May 1/May 12/May 21, 2001

CD-EG160 A Selfless Motive (DVD#726)
International Christmas Celebration at the Florida Center, U.S.A., December 23, 2001






Supreme Master Ching Hai’s

The Key of Immediate
Enlightenment 5,

English Edition


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