practitioners just learn from Heaven, from God Hirmself directly. We
have all the wisdom of the universe within our being so we don’t
really need any physical teaching; it’s just that we forget. I
can show you how to remember your own wisdom, how to be your own teacher,
how to distinguish between Heaven and some of the negative powers that
try to bother you, how to protect yourself, how to meditate safely and
how to talk to God every day.
Then, you can just stay home, quietly and in your free
time, and contact your own Self. And it’s no work at all because
all this will give you the greatest blessing, the greatest happiness,
the greatest pleasure and the greatest freedom that you’ve ever
known, not like worldly work, where we tire ourselves, we exhaust our
bodies and minds, just to earn a few thousand dollars or Kronor (Swedish
currency) a month.
To work for God is a pure pleasure. It elevates our
body, mind and spirit; it even cures sickness, dispels depression, opens
our wisdom, opens our heart to more loving kindness and opens our intelligence
so that we know how to deal with difficult situations. And the more
we meditate, the more we contemplate God ourselves, the more we become
an entirely different person — an angel, a saint, a carefree spirit.
Maybe you think meditation is only something for the
Himalayan masters or yogis who sit cross-legged all day. No, no! It’s
very simple. I used to think that way; I did! I thought I had to leave
this dusty world to contact God in the pure air of the Himalayas, but
now I see God everywhere: I see Hirm on the bus, I see Hirm in a crowded
third-class hotel, in a dirty toilet, in a taxi, at the park, on an
airplane — anywhere!
God comes in different forms. God is originally formless
but Hes can manifest in metaphysical forms for us to see. Hes can appear
to us as the brilliant light of a thousand suns; Hes can talk to us
in the voice of many waters, in a voice like thunder or a voice like
beautiful Heavenly music. This will open up all of our being, and we’ll
soar up into the highest Heaven and enjoy our freedom forever.
We don’t have to leave the world. We don’t
have to leave our family, our wife, husband or children. We can stay
right where we are and meditate in the attic or the living room, or
contemplate Hirm from the bed, in the bathroom, on the sofa —
anywhere we choose. God will be there, because Hes is always there.
Hes is never anywhere else.
And that’s the most incredible power of God; Hes
can purify the whole environment so that wherever you are is Heaven.
Because God’s creation is actually perfect everywhere, even on
this planet. Even this dusty physical world is God’s Kingdom.
It’s just the illusion of the negative power, which is actually
the illusory power of this physically dense energy, that makes us feel
separated from Heaven, makes us feel that we’re human, that we’re
not God. Even time is an illusion. So all we have to do is traverse
the space and time of this physical dimension and then we’re there,
right there in the Kingdom of God.
You’ve heard that the gate to Heaven is as thin
as a razor blade. You’ve heard that Heaven and Earth are separated
by just a hair. But it’s even thinner than that! There’s
no separation between Earth and God or between Earth and Heaven. It’s
just that we let the power of this physical world delude us; so I’m
just going to show you how to dispel that, and then you’re immediately
We may have a little problem with concentration, and
that sometimes makes differences between the experiences of different
people. So even if I show you God, the Light of Heaven or Heaven’s
scenery today, you should renew it every day until it’s like going
back to the original habit again. That’s all we need to do. Everything
is just habit. That’s why as children it was easier for us to
contact God, because we had nothing else to think about, nothing else
to concentrate on, nothing else to burden our souls with. We were all
pure, all happy, all “no responsibility” so God was always
there anyhow.
To be reborn again, to become a child again, we have
to reverse the process; we have to try to train ourselves daily, to
unburden ourselves and focus on God, which I’ll show you how to
do. Then it becomes a real habit, and then we can see God anytime. You
have nothing to learn from me; I’ll just show you how to unlearn
what you’ve collected — all the garbage and all the unnecessary
things — and then you can become like a child again. When we have
no burdens or worries, we can see God as we did when we were children.
Is that logical enough for you? Isn’t it simple?