City of Warwick
8, Hotel-de-Ville Street
Warwick (Quebec) J0A 1M0
February 5, 2004
To: The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
P.O. Box 730247 San Jose,
CA 95173-0247,
On August 4, 2003, you provided us with great support during the natural
disaster that occurred in our municipality.
All the flood victims truly appreciated your kind deed, and felt heartened
during that discomforting and difficult time
The City of Warwick Municipal Advisory Board joins with them in addressing
their most heartfelt thanks to You for Your act of generosity.
Mayor of Warwick, Quebec
Claude Desrochers
P.S.: For details of relief provided
to flood victims in Quebec, Canada, please refer to The Supreme Master
Ching Hai News #146.